Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4712

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12 2 STA T .4689PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 41 7—O CT. 14 , 2008 Def e ns e Logi s t i c s A genc yS t a te I nsta l lation o r Location A m o u nt Californ ia . ...... De fen s e Dis t ri bu tion De p ot ,T ra cy ....... $50 , 3 00,000 Dela w are ........ Defense F uel S upply Center, Do v er A ir Force B ase. $3,3 7 3,000 Flori d a ........... Defense Fuel Support P oint, J ac k son - ville. $3 4 ,000,000 G eor g ia .......... H unter Ar m y Air Field ......................... $3,500,000 Hawaii ........... Pearl Harbor .......................................... $ 2 7,700,000 N ew M e x ico ... K irtland Air Force Base ........................ $ 1 4,400,000 O kla h oma ...... Altus Air Force Base ............................. $2, 8 50,000 Pennsylvania Philadelphia ........................................... $1,200,000 U tah ............... Hill Air Force Base ................................ $20,400,000 V irginia .......... Craney I sland ......................................... $3 9 ,900,000 N ational Security Agency State Installation or Location Amount Maryland ............... Fort Meade ..................................... $31,000,000 S p ecial O perations C omman d State Installation or Location Amount California ............... Naval Amphibious Base, Coro- nado. $9,800,000 Florida ................... E glin Air Force Base ..................... $40,000,00 Hurlburt Field ................................ $8,900,000 MacDill Air Force Base ................. $10,500,000 Kentucky ............... Fort Campbell ................................ $15,000,000 New Mexico ........... Cannon Air Force Base ................. $2 6 ,400,000 North Carolina ...... Fort Bragg ...................................... $38,250,000 Virginia .................. Fort Story ....................................... $11,600,000 W ashington ........... Fort L ewis ...................................... $38,000,000 TR ICAR EM anagement Acti v ity State Installation or Location Amount Alaska .................... Fort R ichardson ............................. $6,300,000 Colorado ................. Buckley Air Force Base ................. $3,000,000 Georgia .................. Fort Benning .................................. $3,900,000 Kentucky ............... Fort Campbell ................................ $24,000,000 Maryland ............... Aberdeen Proving Ground ............. $430,000,000 Missouri ................. Fort Leonard Wood ........................ $22,000,000 Oklahoma .............. Tinker Air Force Base ................... $65,000,000 Texas ...................... Fort Sam Houston ......................... $13,000,000