Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4739

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12 2 STA T .47 1 6PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 417 —O CT. 14 , 200 8(B)insub s ect i o n (b) , b y st r i k in g‘ ‘section 2905A’ ’ a n d inserting ‘‘section 290 6 A’’ . (2) EF F ECTIV E DA TE. —Th ea m endments made by p aragraph ( 1 ) sha l ltakee f fect on J anuary 2 8 , 2008, as if included in the enactment of section 2 7 0 4 of the M ilitary C onstruction Authori z ation Act for F iscal Y ear 2008. (b) C OR RECTIO N OF S CO P EOR W OR KV ARIATION L I M ITATION.— Subsection (f) of section 2906A of the D efense Base Closure and R ealignment Act of 1990 (part A of title X X I Xof P ublic La w 101 – 510

10 U .S.C. 2687 note), as added by section 2704(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (di v ision B of Public Law 110–181; 122 Stat. 5 3 2) and amended by subsection (a), is amended by striking ‘‘20 percent or $ 2,000,000, whichever is greater’’ and inserting ‘‘20 percent or $2,000,000, whichever is less’’. Subti t leC—O t h e rMa tter sSEC.27 2 1 . IND E P ENDEN T DESI G N R E V IE WOF N A TIONA L NAVAL M ED - ICAL CENTER AND MILITAR YH OSPITAL AT FORT B ELVOIR. (a) FINDIN GS .—Congress makes the following findings

(1) Military personnel and their families, as well as vet - erans and retired military personnel living in the N ational Capital region, deserve to be treated in world class medical facilities. (2) World class medical facilities are defined as incor- porating the best practices of the premier private health facili- ties in the country as well as the collaborative input of military health care professionals into a design that supports the uni q ue needs of military personnel and their families. (3) The closure of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., and the resulting construction of the National Military Medical Center at the National Naval Med- ical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, and a new military hospital at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, offer the Department of Defense the opportunity to provide state-of-the-art and world-class medical facilities offering the highest quality of j oint service care for members of the Armed Forces and their families. (4) Congress has supported a Department of Defense request to e x pedite the construction of the new facilities at Bethesda and Fort Belvoir in order to provide care in better facilities as quickly as possible. (5) The Department of Defense has a responsibility to ensure that the expedited design and construction of such facili- ties do not result in degradation of the quality standards required for world class facilities. (b) INDEPENDENT DESIGN REVIE W .— (1) ESTA BL IS H MENT OF DESIGN REVIEW PANEL.—The Sec- retary of Defense shall establish a panel consisting of medical facility design experts, military healthcare professionals, rep- resentatives of premier health care facilities in the United States, and patient representatives— (A) to review design plans for the National Military Medical Center and the new military hospital at Fort Belvoir; and Maryl a nd.Vi r g inia.