Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/474

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12 2 STA T .45 1 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 disor d e r , oro th er m e n t al health c onditions and their f amilies a b o u t their o p tions w ith respect to the followin g:(1)T he receipt of medical and mental health care from the D epartment of Defense and the Department of V eterans A ffairs . ( 2 ) Additional options a v ailable to such members for treat - ment and rehabilitation of traumatic brain in j ur y , post-trau- matic stress disorder, and other mental health conditions. ( 3 ) The options available, including obtaining a second opinion, to such members for a referral to an authori z ed pro- vider under chapter 5 5oftitle1 0 , U nited S tates C ode, as determined under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense. (e) A D D IT I ONALE L EM ENT S O FP LAN. — The comprehensive plan submitted under subsection (b) shall include comprehensive pro- posals of the Department on the following: (1) L EAD A G ENT.—The designation by the Secretary of Defense of a lead agent or e x ecutive agent for the Department to coordinate development and implementation of the plan. (2) DETE C TION AND T R EATMENT.—The improvement of methods and mechanisms for the detection and treatment of traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other mental health conditions in members of the Armed F orces in the field. (3) R ED U CTION OF P TSD.—The development of a plan for reducing post traumatic-stress disorder, incorporating evidence- based preventive and early-intervention measures, practices, or procedures that reduce the li k elihood that personnel in com- bat will develop post-traumatic stress disorder or other stress- related conditions (including substance abuse conditions) into— (A) basic and pre-deployment training for enlisted members of the Armed Forces, noncommissioned officers, and officers

( B ) combat theater operations; and (C) post-deployment service. ( 4 ) RESEARC H .—Re q uirements for research on traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other mental health conditions including (in particular) research on pharma- cological and other approaches to treatment for traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, or other mental health conditions, as applicable, and the allocation of priorities among such research. (5) DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA.—The development, adoption, and deployment of joint Department of Defense-Department of Vet- erans Affairs evidence-based diagnostic criteria for the detection and evaluation of the range of traumatic brain injury, post- traumatic stress disorder, and other mental health conditions in members of the Armed Forces, which criteria shall be employed uniformly across the military departments in all applicable circumstances, including provision of clinical care and assessment of future deployability of members of the Armed Forces. ( 6 ) ASSESSMENT.—The development and deployment of evi- dence-based means of assessing traumatic brain injury, post- traumatic stress disorder, and other mental health conditions in members of the Armed Forces, including a system of pre-