Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4742

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12 2 STA T .47 1 9PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 417 —O CT. 14 , 200 8Subti t leA—M ilit aryCons tru c tion P ro g ra m an d Military F amily H ousing C h anges SEC.2801 . IN C ORP OR AT ION O F PRINCIP L ESOFS U STAINA B LE D ESI G N IN DOCU M ENTS SUBMITTED AS PART OF PROPOSED MILI - TAR Y CONSTRUCTION PRO J ECTS. (a)DEFIN I T I O NOF L IFE -CYCL ECO S T- E FFECTI V E .—Subsection (c) o f section 2801 of tit l e10 ,U nite d States Code, is a m ended— (1) b y t r ansferrin gp aragrap h ( 4 ) to appear as the first paragraph in the subsection and redesignating such paragraph as paragraph (1)

(2) by redesignating the subse q uent three paragraphs as paragraphs (2), (4), and ( 5 ), respecti v ely; and ( 3 ) by inserting after paragraph (2), as so redesignated, the follo w ing new paragraph

‘(3) T he term ‘life-cycle cost-effective ’ , with respect to a pro j ect, product, or measure, means that the sum of the present values of investment costs, capital costs, installation costs, energy costs, operating costs, maintenance costs, and replace- ment costs, as estimated for the lifetime of the project, product, or measure, does not e x ceed the base case (current or standard) for the practice, product, or measure.’’. (b) I NCL U SION.—Section 2802 of such title is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ‘‘(c) In determining the scope of a proposed military construction project, the Secretary concerned shall submit to the P resident such recommendations as the Secretary considers to be appropriate regarding the incorporation and inclusion of life-cycle cost-effective practices as an element in the project documents submitted to Congress in connection with the budget submitted pursuant to section 1105 of title 31 for the fiscal year in which a contract is proposed to be awarded for the project.’’. SEC. 2802. RE V ISION OF MA X IMUM LEASE AMOUNT APPLICABLE TO CERTAIN DOMESTIC ARMY FAMILY H OUSING LEASES TO REFLECT PREVIOUSLY MADE ANNUAL ADJUSTMENTS IN AMOUNT. Section 2828(b)( 7 )( A ) of title 10, United States Code, is amended by stri k ing ‘‘ $ 18, 6 20 per unit’’ and inserting ‘‘$35,000 per unit’’. SEC. 280 3 . USE OF MILITARY FAMILY HOUSING CONSTRUCTED UNDER BUILD AND LEASE AUTHORITY TO HOUSE MEMBERS W ITHOUT DEPENDENTS. (a) IN G ENE RA L.—Subchapter II of chapter 16 9 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 2835 the following new section: ‘ ‘ §2835a.Useofmil i t a ry family h o u si ngc onstructe d under b uild and lease authority to house other members ‘‘(a) IN D IVIDUAL ASSI G N M ENT OF M EM B ERS W IT H OUT DE P END- ENTS.—(1) To the extent that the Secretary concerned determines that military family housing constructed and leased under section 2835 of this title is not needed to house members of the armed forces eligible for assignment to military family housing, the Sec- retary may assign, without rental charge, members without depend- ents to the housing. Recom me nda-ti on s.