Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4777

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12 2 STA T .475 4 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 417 —O CT. 14 , 200 8SEC.31 1 2 . LIM I TA TI ON ON FU N D IN G FO RP RO J ECT 04- D-12 5 C H EM- ISTR Y AND METALLURGY RESEARCH REPLACEMENT FACILITY PROJECT , LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LA B ORA- TORY, LOS ALAMOS, NE W ME X ICO. Oftheamoun t s a p p r opr i ate d pursuant to an authori z ation of appropriations in this Ac t or other w ise made a v ai l a b le for fiscal y ear 20 0 9 for P ro j ect 0 4-D - 1 2 5C hemistry and M etallur g y R esearch Replacement ( in this section referred to as ‘ ‘CMRR ’ ’ ) facility project ,L os Alamos N ational Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Me x ico, not more than $ 50,200,000 may be made available until — (1) the Administrator for Nuclear S ecurity and the Defense Nuclear F acilities Safety B oard have each submitted a certifi- cation to the congressional defense committees stating that the concerns raised by the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board regarding the design of CMRR safety class systems (including ventilation systems) and seismic issues have been resolved

and (2) a period of 15 days has elapsed after both certifications under paragraph (1) have been submitted . SEC. 3113. NONPROLIFERATION AND NATIONAL SECURITY SCHOLAR- SHIP AND FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM. (a) ESTABLI S HMEN T.— T he Administrator for Nuclear Security shall carry out a program to provide scholarships and fellowships for the purpose of enabling individuals to q ualify for employment in the nonproliferation and national security programs of the Department of Energy. (b) ELI G IBLE I N D I V ID U ALS.—An individual shall be eligible for a scholarship or fellowship under the program established under this section if the individual— (1) is a citizen or national of the U nited States or an alien lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence; (2) has been accepted for enrollment or is currently enrolled as a full-time student at an institution of higher education (as defined in section 102(a) of the H igher Education Act of 19 6 5 (20 U.S.C. 1002(a)); ( 3 ) is pursuing a program of education that leads to an appropriate higher education degree in a qualifying field of study, as determined by the Administrator; (4) enters into an agreement described in subsection (c); and (5) meets such other requirements as the Administrator prescribes. (c) AG R EEMENT.—An individual see k ing a scholarship or fellow- ship under the program established under this section shall enter into an agreement, in writing, with the Administrator that includes the following

(1) The agreement of the Administrator to provide such individual with a scholarship or fellowship in the form of edu- cational assistance for a specified number of school years (not to exceed five school years) during which such individual is pursuing a program of education in a qualifying field of study, which educational assistance may include payment of tuition, fees, books, laboratory expenses, and a stipend. (2) The agreement of such individual— (A) to accept such educational assistance; 50USC24 44 .Timep e r i od . Cer t i f i ca tio ns .