Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4833

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12 2 STA T .48 1 0PUBLIC LA W 110 – 422 —O CT. 1 5, 2008 SEC.1 1 07 . NA SA OUTR EAC HP RO G RA M . (a)ESTABLI S HMEN T .—NAS A sh a l l competi ti v el y select a n o rg ani z ation to partner w ith NASA centers , aerospace contractors, an d academic instit u tions to carry out a program to help promote the competitiveness o f small, minority - owned, and women-owned b usinesses in communities across the U nited States through enhanced insight into the technologies of NASA ’ s space and aero- nautics programs. T he program shall support the mission of NASA’s I nnovative P artnerships Program with its emphasis on j oint part- nerships with industry, academia, government agencies, and national laboratories. (b) P ROG RAM STR UC TURE.—In carrying out the program described in subsection (a), the organization shall support the mis- sion of NASA’s Innovative Partnerships Program by underta k ing the following activities

( 1 ) F acilitating the enhanced insight of the private sector into NASA’s technologies in order to increase the competitive- ness of the private sector in producing viable commercial prod- ucts. ( 2 ) C reating a network of academic institutions, aerospace contractors, and NASA centers that will commit to donating appropriate technical assistance to small businesses, giving preference to socially and economically disadvantaged small business concerns, small business concerns owned and con- trolled by service-disabled veterans, and H U BZ one small busi- ness concerns. This paragraph shall not apply to any con- tracting actions entered into or taken by NASA. ( 3 ) Creating a network of economic development organiza- tions to increase the awareness and enhance the effectiveness of the program nationwide. (c) R E P ORT.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter, the Administrator shall submit a report to the Committee on Science and Technology of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate describing the efforts and accomplish- ments of the program established under subsection (a) in support of NASA’s Innovative Partnerships Program. As part of the report, the Administrator shall provide— (1) data on the number of small businesses receiving assist- ance, jobs created and retained, and volunteer hours donated by NASA, contractors, and academic institutions nationwide

(2) an estimate of the total dollar value of the economic impact made by small businesses that received technical assist- ance through the program; and (3) an accounting of the use of funds appropriated for the program. SEC. 110 8 .RE D UCT I ON - IN- F ORCE MORATORIUM. NASA shall not initiate or implement a reduction-in-force, or conduct any other involuntary separations of permanent, non-Senior E x ecutive Service, civil servant employees before D ecember 31, 2 0 10, except for cause on charges of misconduct, delin q uency, or inefficiency. 42USC178 24 .