Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4947

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12 2 STA T .49 24 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 4 3 2 —O CT. 1 6, 200 8ontheN o r the as t C orr id or m ain l ine .T he Committee shall meet at least t w o times p er y ear to c onsider sa f ety and sec u rity matters on the main line. ‘ ‘ (3)REPORT . —A t the b e g inning of the first session of each Congress , the S ecretary shall submit a report to the Commis - sion and to the Committee on Transportation and I nfrastruc- ture of the H ouse of Representati v es and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate on the status of efforts to improve safety and security on the Northeast Corridor main line. The report shall include the safety and security recommendations of the Committee and the comments of the Secretary on those recommendations. ’ ’. (b) CO NF OR MI N G AMEN D MENT S .—( 1 ) The item relating to section 24905 in the table of sections of chapter 249 is amended to read as follows

‘ 24905.Northeas t C orr id or Inf rastr uc ture and Op erations A d v isor y Co m mission


afety Committee. ’ ’. (2) Section 24904(c)(2) is amended by— (A) inserting ‘‘commuter rail passenger and’’ after ‘‘between’’

and ( B ) stri k ing ‘‘freight’’ in the second sentence. (c) RI DO TA C CESS AGREEMENT.— (1) IN GENER AL .—Not later than J uly 1, 2009, Amtrak and the Rhode Island Department of Transportation shall enter into an agreement governing access fees and other costs or charges related to the operation of the South County commuter rail service on the Northeast Corridor between P rovidence and W ickford Junction, Rhode Island. (2) F AIL U RE TO REAC H AGREEMENT.—If Amtrak and the Rhode Island Department of Transportation fail to reach the agreement specified under paragraph (1), the Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration shall, after consultation with both parties, resolve any outstanding disagreements between the parties, including setting access fees and other costs or charges related to the operation of the South County commuter rail service that do not allow for the cross-subsidi z a- tion of intercity rail passenger and commuter rail passenger service, not later than January 1, 2010. (3) INTERIM ACCESS COSTS.—Any agreement between Amtrak and the Rhode Island Department of Transportation relating to access costs made under this subsection shall be superseded by any access cost formula developed by the North- east Corridor Infrastructure and Operations Advisory Commis- sion under section 24905(c)(1) of title 49, U nited States Code, as amended by subsection (a) of this section. (d) HIGH-SPEED SER V ICE STUD Y .— (1) IN GENERAL.—Amtrak shall submit a report detailing the infrastructure and e q uipment improvements necessary to provide regular high-speed service— (A) between Washington, District of Columbia, and New Y ork, New York, in 2 hours and 30 minutes; and (B) between New York, New York, and Boston, M assachusetts, in 3 hours and 15 minutes. (2) ISSUES.—The report shall include— (A) an estimated time frame for achieving the trip time described in paragraph (1); Reports.D e adlin es. 49USC2 49 0 4.