Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4961

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12 2 STA T .4938PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 432 —O CT. 1 6, 2008 ‘ ‘ (i)theproj e c t ’sl e v els o f esti ma te d ridership , i n creased on - time performance, red u ced trip time, addi- tional service fre q uenc y to meet anticipated or e x istin g demand, or other significant service enhancements as measured against minimum standards developed under section 207 of the P assenger R ail I nvestment and Improvement A ct of 200 8; ‘‘(ii) the project’s anticipated favora b le impact on air or high w ay traffic congestion, capacity, or safety; and ‘‘(iii) identification of the project by the S urface T ransportation B oard as necessary to improve the on- time performance and reliability of intercity passenger rail under section 2 43 08(f); ‘‘(B) for which there is a high degree of confidence that the proposed project is feasible and will result in the anticipated benefits, as indicated by — ‘‘(i) the project’s precommencement compliance with environmental protection requirements; ‘‘(ii) the readiness of the project to be commenced; ‘‘(iii) the timing and amount of the project’s future noncommitted investments; ‘‘(iv) the commitment of any affected host rail car- rier to ensure the reali z ation of the anticipated bene- fits; and ‘‘(v) other relevant factors as determined by the Secretary; and ‘‘( C ) for which the level of the anticipated benefits compares favorably to the amount of F ederal funding requested under this chapter; and ‘‘(3) give greater consideration to projects— ‘‘(A) that are anticipated to result in benefits to other modes transportation and to the public at large, including, but not limited to, consideration of the project’s— ‘‘(i) encouragement of intermodal connectivity through provision of direct connections between train stations, airports, bus terminals, subway stations, ferry ports, and other modes of transportation; ‘‘(ii) anticipated improvement of freight or com- muter rail operations; ‘‘(iii) encouragement of the use of positive train control technologies; ‘‘(iv) environmental benefits, including projects that involve the purchase of environmentally sensitive, fuel-efficient, and cost-effective passenger rail equip- ment; ‘‘(v) anticipated positive economic and employment impacts; ‘‘(vi) encouragement of State and private contribu- tions toward station development, energy and environ- mentally efficiency, and economic benefits; and ‘‘(vii) falling under the description in section 5 302(a)( 1 )( G ) of this title as defined to support intercity passenger rail service; and ‘‘(B) that incorporate equitable financial participation in the project’s financing, including, but not limited to, consideration of—