Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4988

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12 2 STA T .4965PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 4 3 2 —O CT. 16 , 200 8(K)adescript i on o fh o w the pro j ect wo ul dco m pl y with F ederal and S tate en v ironmental laws and re g ula - tions , of what the environmental impacts would result from the project, and how any adverse impacts would b e miti- gated

and ( L ) a description of the project ’ s impacts on highway and aviation congestion, energy consumption, land use, and economic development in the service area . (b) DET E RMINA TI O NAN DES TA BL IS H MENT O FC OMMISSIONS. —N ot later than 60 days after receipt of the proposals under sub- section (a), the Secretary shall— ( 1 )ma k e a determination as to whether any such pro- posals— ( A ) contain the information re q uired under subsection (a)( 3 )and( 4 ); ( B ) are sufficiently credible to warrant further consid- eration; (C) are likely to result in a positive impact on the Nation’s transportation system; and (D) are cost-effective and in the public interest; and ( 2 ) establish a commission under subsection (c) for each corridor with one or more proposals that the Secretary deter- mines satisfies the requirements of paragraph (1), and forward to each commission such proposals for review and consideration. (c) COMMISSIONS.— (1) M EMBERS.—Each commission referred to in subsection (b)(2) shall include— (A) the governors of the affected States, or their respec- tive designees; (B) mayors of appropriate municipalities along the pro- posed corridor, or their respective designees; (C) a representative from each freight railroad carrier using the relevant corridor, if applicable; (D) a representative from each transit authority using the relevant corridor, if applicable; (E) representatives of nonprofit employee labor organi z ations representing affected railroad employees; and (D) the P resident of Amtrak or his or her designee. (2) A P POINTMENT AND SELE C TION.— T he Secretary shall appoint the members under paragraph (1). I n selecting each commission’s members to fulfill the requirements under para- graph (1)(B) and (E), the Secretary shall consult with the Chairmen and R anking Members of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and the H ouse of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastruc- ture. (3) CHAIRPERSON AND V ICE-CHAIRPERSON SELECTION.—The Chairperson and V ice-Chairperson shall be elected from among members of each commission. (4) QU ORUM AND VACANC Y .— (A) QUORUM.—A majority of the members of each commission shall constitute a quorum. (B) VACANCY.—Any vacancy in each commission shall not affect its powers and shall be filled in the same manner in which the original appointment was made. Consulta t i on .De a d line.