Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/5007

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12 2 STA T .498 4 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 4 37—O CT. 20 , 2008 Sec.502 . S tud e n t loa n r e p a ym ent aut h or i ty. Sec. 50 3 . A cceptance o fv olunteer s ervices. Sec. 50 4 . C oins treated as g ifts. Sec. 505. F le x i b le w or k schedule pilot program. TI T LEV I — A U T HOR I Z ATIO N OFA P PROPRIATIONS Sec. 6 0 1 . Authori z ation of appropriations. TI T LE I —CAP IT O L V I S ITO R CE N TER SEC.10 1. D ES IGNAT I O NO F FACI L IT Y AS CA P ITOL V ISITO R CENTER

P U RPOSES OF FACILITY; TREAT M ENTOFT H E CAPITOL VISITOR CENTER. (a)DESIGNAT I O N .—Thef a cil i ty a u th or i z e d for co ns truction under the headin g‘ ‘ C A P ITO LV ISITO RC ENTER ’ ’ under cha p ter 5 of title I Iofdi v ision B of the Om ni b us Consolidated and E mergency S upplemental A ppropriations Act ,19 99( P ublic L a w 1 0 5 –27 7

112 Stat. 2 68 1–569) is designated as the Capitol V isitor Center and is a part of the Capitol. (b) P U RPOSES O F T H E F ACILIT Y .—The Capitol Visitor Center shall be used— (1) to provide enhanced security for persons wor k ing in or visiting the U nited States Capitol; (2) to improve the visitor e x perience by providing a struc - ture that will afford improved visitor orientation and enhance the educational experience of those who have come to learn about the Congress and the Capitol; and ( 3 ) for other purposes as determined by Congress or the Committee on R ules and Administration of the Senate and the Committee on H ouse Administration of the House of Rep- resentatives. (c) TREAT M ENT OF THE CAPITOL VISITOR CENTER.— (1) OVERSIGHT.—The Committee on Rules and Administra- tion of the Senate and the Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives shall have oversight of the Capitol Visitor Center. (2) TREATMENT OF E X PANSION SPACE OF THE SENATE AN D HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE CAPITOL VISITOR CENTER.— (A) SENATE.—The expansion space of the Senate described as unassigned space under the heading ‘‘CAPITOL VISITOR CENTER’’ under the heading ‘‘ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL’’ under title II of the Act entitled ‘‘An Act making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2002, and for other purposes’’, approved N ovember 12, 2001 (Public Law 107–68; 115 Stat. 588) shall be part of the Senate wing of the Capitol. (B) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.—The expansion space of the House of Representatives described as unassigned space under the heading ‘‘CAPITOL VISITOR CENTER’’ under the heading ‘‘ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL’’ under title II of the Act entitled ‘‘An Act making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2002, and for other purposes’’, approved November 12, 2001 (Public Law 107–68; 115 Stat. 588) shall be part of the House of Representatives wing of the Capitol. (d) TREATMENT OF CONGRESSIONAL AUDITORIUM AND RELATED AD J ACENT AREAS.— 2USC 22 01.