Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/5043

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12 2 STA T .50 20 PUBLIC LA W 110 –4 50 —DE C.1 , 200 8LEGIS L AT I V E H IST ORY— H . R. 5714( S. 2 57 9):C O N GRESSIONAL RECOR D, V ol . 154(2 0 0 8 ): O ct . 3 ,co nsider ed a nd p assed Ho u se. No v . 17, considered and passed Senate. (b)DISTR I BU TI ON.—Su b ject t os ect i o n5134 ( f )oftit l e31 ,U nite d St a tes C ode, all su r c h ar g es recei v edb y the Secretary fro m the sale of coins issued under this A ct shall be p romptly paid by the Secretary to the F oundation to help finance the N ational M useum of the United States Army. (c) AU D ITS.— T he Foundation shall be subject to the audit re q uirements of section 5134(f)( 2 ) of title 31, United States Code, w ith regard to the amounts received by the Foundation under subsection (b). (d) L I M IT A TION.—Notwithstanding subsection (a), no surcharge may be included with respect to the issuance under this Act of any coin during a calendar year if, as of the time of such issuance, the issuance of such coin would result in the number of commemora - tive coin programs issued during such year to e x ceed the annual 2 commemorative coin program issuance limitation under section 5112(m)(1) of title 31, United States Code (as in effect on the date of the enactment of this Act). The Secretary of the Treasury may issue guidance to carry out this subsection. Approved December 1, 2 0 0 8 .