Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/5106

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12 2 STA T .5083PUBLIC LA W 110 –4 5 7—DE C. 23 , 2008 SEC.237 . AD D IT I ON A LR E P ORTIN G ON CRI M E. (a)TRAF F ICK I NGO FF E N S E CL ASSIFICA T I O N .— T heDir e cto ro f the F e d era lBu reau of Inv e s ti g ation shall— ( 1 ) classif y the offense of hu m an traffic k ingasa P art I crime in the U niform Crime R e p orts

( 2 )tothee x tent feasi b le , establish subcategories for S tate sex crimes that involve— ( A ) a person w ho is younger than 1 8 years of age; (B) the use of force, fraud or coercion; or (C) neither of the elements described in subparagraphs (A) and (B); and ( 3 ) classify the offense of human trafficking as a G roup A offense for purpose of the N ational Incident - Based Reporting System. (b) A D DITIONAL INFOR M ATION.—The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall revise the Uniform Crime Reporting System and the National Incident-Based Reporting System to distin- guish between reports of— (1) incidents of assisting or promoting prostitution, which shall include crimes committed by persons who— (A) do not directly engage in commercial sex acts; and (B) direct, manage, or profit from such acts, such as State pimping and pandering crimes; (2) incidents of purchasing prostitution, which shall include crimes committed by persons who purchase or attempt to pur- chase or trade anything of value for commercial sex acts; and (3) incidents of prostitution, which shall include crimes committed by persons providing or attempting to provide commercial sex acts. (c) RE P ORTS AND ST U DIES.— (1) REPORTS.—Not later than February 1, 2 0 10, the Attorney General shall submit to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on the J udiciary of the H ouse of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate reports on the following

(A) Activities or actions, in fiscal years 2001 through 200 9 , by Federal departments and agencies to enforce the offenses set forth in chapter 11 7 of title 18, United States Code, including information regarding the number of prosecutions, the number of convictions, an identification of multiple-defendant cases and the results thereof, and, for fiscal years 2008 and 2009, the number of prosecutions, the number of convictions, and an identification of multiple- defendant case and the results thereof, the use of expanded statutes of limitation and other tools to prosecute crimes against children who reached the age of eighteen years since the time the crime was committed. (B) The interaction, in Federal human trafficking prosecutions in fiscal years 2001 through 2010, of Federal restitution provisions with those provisions of law allowing restoration and remission of criminally and civilly forfeited property, including the distribution of proceeds among mul- tiple victims. (C) Activities or actions, in fiscal years 2001 through 2010, to enforce the offenses set forth in chapters 9 5 and Revis i on.28USC534 no t e. 28 USC 534 note.