Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/5145

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12 2 STA T .5 122 PUBLIC LA W 11 0–4 5 9—DE C.2 3, 200 8LEGIS L AT I V E H IST ORY— S .36 63


O N GRESSIONAL RECOR D, V ol . 154(20 0 8)

No v . 20, c o nsider ed a nd p assed Sena t e. Dec. 10, considered and passed Ho u se. (3)suchot h erinf or ma tion re l ate d to consumer education a b out the di g ital tele v ision transition or p ublic health and safet y or emergencies as the C ommission may find to be con - sistent w ith the public interest .SEC.3 . LIM I TA TI ON S. I n designing the program re q uired by this A ct , the Commission shall — ( 1 )ta k e into account market-by-market needs, based upon factors such as channel and transmitter availability

( 2 ) ensure that broadcasting of the program specified in section 2(b) will not cause harmful interference with signals in the digital television service; (3) not require the analog television service signals broad- cast under this Act to be retransmitted or otherwise carried pursuant to section 32 5 (b), 33 8 ,33 9 ,3 40 , 6 14, or 615 of the Communications Act of 1934 (4 7U . S .C. 325(b), 338, 339, 340, 614, or 615); (4) take into consideration broadcasters ’ digital power levels and transition and coordination plans that already have been adopted with respect to cable systems and satellite carriers’ systems; (5) prohibit any broadcast of analog television service sig- nals under section 2(b) on any spectrum that is approved or pending approval by the Commission to be used for public safety radio services, including television channels 14-20; and (6) not include the analog spectrum between channels 52 and 69, inclusive (between frequencies 698 and 806 megahert z , inclusive) reclaimed from analog television broadcasting pursu- ant to section 309( j ) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 309(j)). SEC. 4 . D E F INITIONS. As used in this Act, the term ‘ ‘emergency information’’ has the meaning such term has under part 79 of the regulations of the F ederal Communications Commission (47 C.F. R . part 79). Approved D ecember 23, 2008.