Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/676

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12 2 STA T .653PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 9 6 —M A R .1 4, 200 8PublicLaw1 1 0– 1 96 110 thCongres s A n Act Toext e ndagricul tural p rogra msb e y ond M arc h15,20 0 8 , to suspend permanent price support authorities beyond that date, and f or other purposes .Beit e nac te dby t h e S enate and Hous eo fR e pr esentati v es of the U nited States of Am erica in C on g ress assemb l ed ,SECTION1. E X TENSION O FAGR IC UL TURAL P ROGRA M S. (a)EXTENSIO N .— E xcept a so t h e rwi se pro v i d edi n this section and notwithstandin g an y other provision o fl aw , the a u thorities provided under the F ar mS ecurity and R ural I nvestment A ct of 20 02( P u b lic L aw 1 0 7– 171

7 U .S. C .7 9 01etse q .) and each amend - ment made by that Act (and for mandatory programs at such funding levels), as in effect on September 3 0, 2007, shall continue, and the Secretary of Agriculture shall carry out the authorities, until April 1 8 , 2008. (b) CONSE RVA TION PRO G RA M S.— (1) FARM L AN DP ROTE C TION PROGRAM.— N otwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of Agriculture (referred to in this subsection as the ‘ ‘Secretary ’ ’) shall continue the farmland protection program established under subchapter B of chapter 2 of subtitle D of title X II of the Food Security Act of 198 5 (1 6 U.S.C. 3838h et seq.) at a funding level of $ 97,000,000 per year. (2) G RO U ND AND SUR F ACE W ATER CONSERVATION.—Notwith- standing any other provision of law, the Secretary shall con- tinue the ground and surface water conservation program estab- lished under section 12 4 0I of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3839aa–9) at a funding level of $60,000,000 per year. (3) W ILDLIFE H A B ITAT INCENTIVES PROGRAM.—Notwith- standing any other provision of law, the Secretary shall con- tinue the wildlife habitat incentive program established under section 1240N of the Food Security Act of 1985 (16 U.S.C. 3839bb–1) at a funding level of $85,000,000 per year. (c) EXCEPTIONS.— T his section does not apply with respect to the following provisions of law

(1) Section 1307(a)(6) of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (7 U.S.C. 7957(a)(6)). (2) Section 524(b) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 1524(b)). (3) Section 25 of the Food Stamp Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 2034). (4) Section 601( j )(1) of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 950bb(j)(1)). Mar.14,20 0 8[S .2 7 4 5]