12 2 STA T .67 6 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 9 9 — AP R .9 , 200 8‘ ‘ (b)PRISON-BA S ED PRO G RA M S .—Aprog r amf or whic hagra nt i s ma deu nder section 29 2 1 (2) sha l l compl y with the following re q uirements
‘‘(1) T he program shall integrate techniques to assess the strengths and needs of immediate and e x tended family of the incarcerated parent to support a treatment plan of the incarcer- ated parent. ‘‘(2) The program shall ensure that each participant in that program has access to consistent and uninterrupted care if transferred to a different correctional facility within the S tate or other rele v ant entity. ‘‘( 3 ) The program shall be located in an area separate from the general population of the prison. ‘ ‘ SEC.29 2 4 . AP P LI CA T I ON S. ‘‘(a) I N G ENERA L .—An entity described in section 2921 desiring a grant under this part shall submit to the Attorney General an application in such form and manner and at such time as the Attorney General requires. ‘‘(b) C ON T ENTS.—An application under subsection (a) shall include a description of the methods and measurements the applicant will use for purposes of evaluating the program involved. ‘‘SEC. 292 5 . R EPORTS. ‘‘An entity that receives a grant under this part during a fiscal year shall submit to the Attorney General , not later than a date specified by the Attorney General, a report that describes and evaluates the effectiveness of that program during such fiscal year that— ‘‘(1) is based on evidence-based data
and ‘‘(2) uses the methods and measurements described in the application of that entity for purposes of evaluating that pro- gram. ‘‘SEC. 292 6 .A U T H ORI Z ATION O F APPROPRIATIONS. ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—There are authori z ed to be appropriated to carry out this part $ 1 0 ,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2009 and 2010. ‘‘(b) U SEO F AMO U NTS.— O f the amount made available to carry out this part in any fiscal year, not less than 5 percent shall be used for grants to Indian Tribes. ‘‘SEC. 292 7 . D EFINITIONS. ‘‘In this part: ‘‘(1) N ON V IOLENT P ARENT DRUG OFFENDER.—The term ‘non- violent parent drug offender ’ means an offender who is— ‘‘(A) a parent of an individual under 1 8 years of age; and ‘‘(B) convicted of a drug (or drug-related) felony that is a nonviolent offense. ‘‘(2) NONVIOLENT OFFENSE.—The term ‘nonviolent offense’ has the meaning given that term in section 2991(a). ‘‘(3) PRISON- B ASED FAMIL Y TREATMENT PROGRAM.—The term ‘prison-based family treatment program’ means a program for incarcerated parents in a correctional facility that provides a comprehensive response to offender needs, including sub- stance abuse treatment, child early intervention services, family counseling, legal services, medical care, mental health services, 42USC379 7 s–6. 42 USC 3797s– 5 . 42 USC 3797s–4. 42 USC 3797s–3.