Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/76

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12 2 STA T .53PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 Sec.361 . R e portandm a s ter i n f rastr u cture recapita l i z ation plan for Ch e y enne M ountain A ir Station , Colorado. Su b title F—O ther Matters Sec. 3 7 1. E nhancement of corrosion control and pre v ention functions w ithin D e - partment of Defense. Sec. 37 2 . Authority for Department of Defense to provide support for certain sport- in g events. Sec. 373. Authority to impose reasonable restrictions on payment of full replace- ment value for lost or damaged personal property transported at G ov- ernment e x pense. Sec. 37 4 . P riority transportation on Department of Defense aircraft of retired mem- bers residing in Commonwealths and possessions of the U nited States for certain health care services. Sec. 37 5 . Recovery of missing military property. Sec. 376. Retention of combat uniforms by members of the Armed Forces deployed in support of contingency operations. Sec. 377. I ssue of serviceable material of the N avy other than to Armed Forces. Sec. 37 8 . Reauthorization of Aviation Insurance Program. Subti t leA— Aut hor i za tio n o f A p propriation sSEC.301 . OP E RATI O N AN DM AINTENANCE FU NDIN G . Fundsareh ere by au t h o r iz edtobea p propriated f or fis c a l year 20 0 8 for the use of the A r m ed Forces and other acti v ities and a g encies of the D epartment of Defense for e x penses , not other w ise provided for, for operation and maintenance, in amounts as follows


For the Army, $ 28, 7 87,21 9 ,000 . (2) For the N avy, $ 3 3,3 5 5, 6 83,000. (3) For the M arine C orps, $ 4 ,967,193,000. (4) For the Air Force, $33,118,462,000. (5) For Defense - wide activities, $22,500,253,000. (6) For the Army R eserve, $2,509,862,000. (7) For the Navy Reserve, $1,186,883,000. (8) For the Marine Corps Reserve, $208,637,000. (9) For the Air Force Reserve, $2,821,817,000. (10) For the Army National G uard, $5,857,409,000. (11) For the Air National Guard, $5,456,668,000. (12) For the U nited S tates Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, $11,971,000. (13) For E nvironmental Restoration, Army, $434,879,000. (14) For Environmental Restoration, Navy, $300,591,000. (15) For Environmental Restoration, Air Force, $458,428,000. (16) For Environmental Restoration, Defense-wide, $12,751,000. (17) For Environmental Restoration, Formerly Used Defense Sites, $270,249,000. (18) For O verseas H umanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid programs, $103,300,000. (19) For Former Soviet Union T hreat Reduction programs, $428,048,000. (20) For the Overseas Contingency Operations Transfer Fund, $5,000,000.