Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/792

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12 2 STA T .769PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 229 —M A Y8, 2008 forthec o mpl et i o n of pro j ect s or a cti v ities i d entified in the a g ree - ment .( d )AUTHORIZA TIO N O F A P PROPRIATION S . —T here are a u thori z ed to b e appropriated such sums as are necessar y to carry out this section. Subti t leB— B o u ndaryA d j u s t m ents and Aut h ori z ations SEC.31 1.C ARL SA NDBU R GHOM ENA TI ONAL HISTORIC SITE BOUNDAR Y AD J USTMENT. (a) DE FINITIONS.— I n this section

( 1 ) H ISTORI C SITE.—The term ‘ ‘Historic S ite ’ ’ means C arl Sandburg Home N ational Historic Site. ( 2 ) M AP.—The term ‘‘map’’ means the map entitled ‘‘Sand- burg Center Alternative’’ numbered 4 4 5/80, 01 7 and dated April 2007. ( 3 ) SECRETAR Y .—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ means the Secretary of the Interior. (b) AC Q UISITION AUTHORITY.—The Secretary may ac q uire from w illing sellers by donation, purchase with donated or appropriated funds, or e x change not more than 110 acres of land, water, or interests in land and water, within the area depicted on the map, to be added to the Historic Site. (c) V ISITOR CENTER.—To preserve the historic character and landscape of the site, the Secretary may also acquire up to five acres for the development of a visitor center and visitor par k ing area adjacent to or in the general vicinity of the Historic Site. (d) B OUN D ARY R E V ISION.— U pon acquisition of any land or interest in land under this section, the Secretary shall revise the boundary of the Historic Site to reflect the acquisition. (e) AVAI L A B ILITY OF MAP.—The map shall be on file and avail- able for public inspection in the appropriate offices of the National P ark Service. (f) AD M INISTRATION.— L and added to the Historic Site by this section shall be administered as part of the Historic Site in accord- ance with applicable laws and regulations. SEC. 31 2 .LO W ELL NATIONAL HISTORICAL P AR K BOUNDARY ADJUST - MENT. The Act entitled ‘‘An Act to provide for the establishment of the Lowell National Historical Park in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and for other purposes’’ approved J une5,1 9 78 (Public Law 95 – 290

92 Stat. 290; 1 6 U.S.C. 410cc et seq.) is amended as follows: (1) In section 101(a), by adding a new paragraph after paragraph (2) as follows: ‘‘(3) The boundaries of the park are modified to include five parcels of land identified on the map entitled ‘Boundary Adjustment, Lowell National Historical Park,’ numbered 475/ 81,424B and dated September 2004, and as delineated in sec- tion 202(a)(2)( G ).’’. (2) In section 202(a)(2), by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ‘‘(G) The properties shown on the map identified in subsection (101)(a)(3) as follows: 16USC4 1 0c c –2 2 . 16 USC 410cc–11. Mas sac hu s et ts. 16 USC 461 no te.