Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/844

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12 2 STA T .8 21 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 22 9—M A Y 8 , 2008 (i)has a f f orde d ade qu a t eo p portu n it y for pu bl i c and F ederal ,S tate, T ribal, and local g o v ern m ental involvement (including through w or k shops and hearings) in the preparation of the management plan

and (ii) provides for at least semiannual public meetings to ensure adequate implementation of the management plan; ( C ) the resource protection, enhancement, interpreta - tion, funding, management, and development strategies described in the management plan, if implemented, would adequately protect, enhance, interpret, fund, manage, and develop the natural, historic, cultural, educational, scenic, and recreational resources of the N ational H eritage A rea; ( D ) the management plan would not adversely affect any activities authori z ed on Federal land under public land laws or land use plans; ( E ) the local coordinating entity has demonstrated the financial capability, in partnership with others, to carry out the plan; (F) the Secretary has received adequate assurances from the appropriate State, Tribal, and local officials whose support is needed to ensure the effective implementation of the State, Tribal, and local elements of the management plan; and ( G ) the management plan demonstrates partnerships among the local coordinating entity, Federal, State, Tribal, and local governments, regional planning organizations, nonprofit organizations, or private sector parties for implementation of the management plan . ( 4 )D ISAP P ROV A L . — (A) INGE NERAL.—If the Secretary disapproves the management plan, the Secretary— (i) shall advise the local coordinating entity in writing of the reasons for the disapproval; and (ii) may make recommendations to the local coordi- nating entity for revisions to the management plan. ( B ) DEA D LINE.—Not later than 180 days after receiving a revised management plan, the Secretary shall approve or disapprove the revised management plan. ( 5 )A M ENDMEN T S.— (A) IN GENERAL.—An amendment to the management plan that substantially alters the purposes of the National Heritage Area shall be reviewed by the Secretary and approved or disapproved in the same manner as the original management plan. (B) IMPLEMENTATION.—The local coordinating entity shall not use Federal funds authorized by this subtitle to implement an amendment to the management plan until the Secretary approves the amendment. ( 6 )A U T H ORITIES.—The Secretary may— (A) provide technical assistance under the authority of this subtitle for the development and implementation of the management plan; and (B) enter into cooperative agreements with interested parties to carry out this subtitle.