Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/856

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12 2 STA T .83 3 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 22 9—M A Y 8 , 2008 theW e b e rBasin Water Co nser v an cyD istrict .Su ch g oo d s and services acce p ted under this subsection sha l l be counted as part o f the non -F ederal cost share for the study. ( d )AUTHORIZA TIO N O F A P PROPRIATION S . —T here is authori z ed to be appropriated to the Secretary $1,0 00,000 for the Federal cost share of the study authorized in subsection (b). (e) SUNS E T.—The authority of the Secretary to carry out any provisions of this section shall ter m inate 10 years after the date of enactment of this Act. SEC.50 5. N E WM E XI C O W AT E RPL ANNIN G ASSISTANCE. (a) DEFINITIONS.— I n this section

(1) SE C RETAR Y .—The term ‘ ‘Secretary ’ ’ means the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Bureau of R eclamation and the U nited States G eological Survey. ( 2 ) STATE.—The term ‘‘State’’ means the State of N e wM e x ico. (b) CO M PREHENSI V E WATER PL AN ASSISTANCE.— (1) IN G ENERAL.—Upon the re q uest of the Governor of the State and sub j ect to paragraphs (2) through ( 6 ), the Sec- retary shall— (A) provide to the State technical assistance and grants for the development of comprehensive State water plans

(B) conduct water resources mapping in the State; and (C) conduct a comprehensive study of groundwater resources (including potable, brac k ish, and saline water resources) in the State to assess the quantity, quality, and interaction of groundwater and surface water resources. (2) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.—Technical assistance provided under paragraph (1) may include— (A) acquisition of hydrologic data, groundwater characterization, database development, and data distribu- tion; (B) expansion of climate, surface water, and ground- water monitoring networks; (C) assessment of existing water resources, surface water storage, and groundwater storage potential; (D) numerical analysis and modeling necessary to pro- vide an integrated understanding of water resources and water management options; ( E ) participation in State planning forums and plan- ning groups; (F) coordination of Federal water management plan- ning efforts; (G) technical review of data, models, planning sce- narios, and water plans developed by the State; and ( H ) provision of scientific and technical specialists to support State and local activities. ( 3 ) ALLOCATION.—In providing grants under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall, subject to the availability of appropriations, allocate— (A) $ 5 ,000,000 to develop hydrologic models and acquire associated equipment for the New Mexico Rio Grande main stem sections and Rios Pueblo de Taos and