Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/870

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12 2 STA T .847PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 22 9—M A Y 8 , 2008 SEC.51 5. PLAT TE RIV ER REC O VER Y I M PLEME N TATION PRO G RAM AN D PAT HF INDER MODIFICATION PRO J ECT A U THORI Z ATION. (a)PURPOSE S .—Thepur p os eso ft h i sse c tio n are to authori z e— ( 1 ) the S ecretar y of the I nterior , actin g through the C o m missioner of R ec l amation an d in partnership w ith the States, other F ederal agencies, and other non - Federal entities, to continue the cooperati v e effort among the Federal and non- Federal entities through the implementation of the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program for threatened and endan- gered species in the Central and L ower Platte River B asin without creating Federal water rights or re q uiring the grant of water rights to Federal entities

and ( 2 ) the modification of the Pathfinder D am and Reservoir, in accordance with the requirements descri b ed in subsection (c). (b) P LAT TER IV ER RE C OVER Y I M PLEME N TATION PRO G RAM.— (1) DE F INITIONS.—In this subsection

( A ) AGREEMENT.—The term ‘ ‘Agreement ’ ’ means the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program Coopera- tive Agreement entered into by the G overnors of the States and the Secretary. (B) FIRST INCREMENT.—The term ‘‘First Increment’’ means the first 1 3 years of the Program. (C) GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE.—The term ‘‘Governance Committee’’ means the governance committee established under the Agreement and composed of members from the States, the Federal Government, environmental interests, and water users. (D) INTEREST IN LAN D OR W ATER.—The term ‘‘interest in land or water’’ includes a fee title, short- or long-term easement, lease, or other contractual arrangement that is determined to be necessary by the Secretary to imple- ment the land and water components of the Program. ( E ) PROGRAM.—The term ‘‘Program’’ means the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program established under the Agreement. (F) PRO J ECT OR ACTIVITY.—The term ‘‘pro j ect or activity’’ means— (i) the planning, design, permitting or other compliance activity, preconstruction activity, construc- tion, construction management, operation, mainte- nance, and replacement of a facility; (ii) the acquisition of an interest in land or water; (iii) habitat restoration; (iv) research and monitoring; (v) program administration; and (vi) any other activity that is determined to be necessary by the Secretary to carry out the Program. (G) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ means the Sec- retary of the Interior, acting through the Commissioner of Reclamation. ( H ) STATES.—The term ‘‘States’’ means the States of N ebras k a, W yoming, and Colorado. (2) IMPLEMENTATION OF PROGRAM.— (A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary, in cooperation with the Governance Committee, may— (i) participate in the Program; and Sta t elis ti ng.