Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/874

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12 2 STA T .85 1 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 22 9—M A Y 8 , 2008 ‘ ‘ (A)about a v a rie t y o f te chn o l o g ie s; an d ‘‘( B ) in a variety of geogra p hic areas; ‘‘( 3 ) give preference to applicants that w ould significantly e x pand on or fill a gap in existing progra m s in a geographical region; and ‘‘( 4 ) consider the special needs and opportunities for increased energy efficiency for manufactured and site - built housing , including construction, renovation, and retrofit . ‘‘(b) A CTIV ITI ES . —E ach C enter shall operate a program to encourage demonstration and commercial application of advanced energy methods and technologies through education and outreach to building and industrial professionals, and to other individuals and organi z ations with an interest in efficient energy use. F unds awarded under this section may be used for the following activities

‘‘( 1 ) D eveloping and distributing informational materials on technologies that could use energy more efficiently. ‘‘( 2 ) Carrying out demonstrations of advanced energy methods and technologies. ‘‘(3) Developing and conducting seminars, wor k shops, long- distance learning sessions, and other activities to aid in the dissemination of knowledge and information on technologies that could use energy more efficiently. ‘‘(4) P roviding or coordinating onsite energy evaluations, including instruction on the commissioning of building heating and cooling systems, for a wide range of energy end-users. ‘‘( 5 ) Examining the energy efficiency needs of energy end- users to develop recommended research pro j ects for the Depart- ment. ‘‘( 6 ) H iring experts in energy efficient technologies to carry out activities described in paragraphs (1) through (5). ‘‘(c) A P P L IC A TI ON .—A person seeking a grant under this section shall submit to the S ecretary an application in such form and containing such information as the Secretary may re q uire. T he Secretary may award a grant under this section to an entity already in existence if the entity is otherwise eligible under this section. The application shall include, at a minimum— ‘‘(1) a description of the applicant ’ s outreach program, and the geographic region it would serve, and of why the program would be capable of transferring knowledge and information about advanced energy technologies that increase efficiency of energy use; ‘‘(2) a description of the activities the applicant would carry out, of the technologies that would be transferred, and of any other organizations that will help facilitate a regional approach to carrying out those activities; ‘‘(3) a description of how the proposed activities would be appropriate to the specific energy needs of the geographic region to be served; ‘‘(4) an estimate of the number and types of energy end- users expected to be reached through such activities; and ‘‘(5) a description of how the applicant will assess the success of the program. ‘‘(d) SELECTION C R ITERIA.—The Secretary shall award grants under this section on the basis of the following criteria, at a min- imum: ‘‘(1) The ability of the applicant to carry out the proposed activities.