Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/956

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12 2 STA T .93 3 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 23 4—M A Y 22 , 200 8Sec.120 0 6 . Admin i stra ti v e f ee. Sec. 1200 7 . T ime f o r p a y ment. Sec. 1200 8 . C atastrop h ic covera g e reim bu rsement rate. Sec. 1200 9 . G rain sorghum price e l ection. Sec. 12010. P remium reduction authority. Sec. 12011. E nterprise and w hole farm units. Sec. 12012. Payment of portion of premium for area revenue plans. Sec. 1201 3 . D enial of claims. Sec. 1201 4 . Settlement of crop insurance claims on farm - stored production. Sec. 1201 5 . Time for reimbursement. Sec. 12016. R eimbursement rate. Sec. 12017. Renegotiation of Standard Reinsurance Agreement. Sec. 12018. Change in due date for Corporation payments for underwriting gains. Sec. 12019. M alting barley. Sec. 12020. Crop production on native sod. Sec. 12021. I nformation management. Sec. 12022. Research and development. Sec. 12023. Contracts for additional policies and studies. Sec. 12024. F unding from insurance fund. Sec. 12025. Pilot programs. Sec. 12026. Ris k management education for beginning farmers or ranchers. Sec. 12027. Coverage for a q uaculture under noninsured crop assistance program. Sec. 12028. Increase in service fees for noninsured crop assistance program. Sec. 12029. Determination of certain sweet potato production. Sec. 12030. Declining yield report. Sec. 12031. Definition of basic unit. Sec. 12032. Crop insurance mediation. Sec. 12033. Supplemental agricultural disaster assistance. Sec. 12034. Fisheries disaster assistance. Subtitle B— Small Business Disaster L oan Program Sec. 12051. Short title. Sec. 12052. Definitions. PART I—D ISA S TER P L A N NIN G AN D RES PO NSE Sec. 12061. Economic in j ury disaster loans to nonprofits. Sec. 12062. Coordination of disaster assistance programs with FEMA. Sec. 12063. Public awareness of disaster declaration and application periods. Sec. 12064. Consistency between administration regulations and standard oper- ating procedures. Sec. 12065. Increasing collateral requirements. Sec. 12066. Processing disaster loans. Sec. 12067. Information tracking and follow-up system. Sec. 12068. Increased deferment period. Sec. 12069. Disaster processing redundancy. Sec. 12070. N et earnings clauses prohibited. Sec. 12071. Economic injury disaster loans in cases of ice storms and bli z zards. Sec. 12072. Development and implementation of major disaster response plan. Sec. 12073. Disaster planning responsibilities. Sec. 12074. Assignment of employees of the office of disaster assistance and dis- aster cadre. Sec. 12075. Comprehensive disaster response plan. Sec. 12076. Plans to secure sufficient office space. Sec. 12077. Applicants that have become a major source of employment due to changed economic circumstances. Sec. 12078. Disaster loan amounts. Sec. 12079. Small business bonding threshold. PART II—DISASTER LENDING Sec. 12081. Eligibility for additional disaster assistance. Sec. 12082. Additional economic injury disaster loan assistance. Sec. 12083. Private disaster loans. Sec. 12084. Immediate Disaster Assistance program. Sec. 12085. E x pedited disaster assistance loan program. Sec. 12086. Gulf Coast Disaster Loan Refinancing Program. PART III—MIS C ELLANEO U S Sec. 12091. Reports on disaster assistance. TITLE X III—C O MMODIT Y F U TURES Sec. 13001. Short title.