Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1026

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123STA T . 1 0 0 6PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .30 , 200 9(B)providef orp ubl i csa fe ty or trail access

or ( C )co n trol insect and disease outbrea k s . ( 3 ) FIREWO O DF OR P ER S O NALU SE. — Fire w ood m ay be h ar - vested for personal use alon g perimeter roads in the scenic areas , sub j ect to any conditions that the S ecretary may impose. (g) I NSE CT AND D ISEASE O UT B REA K S.— T he Secretary may con- trol insect and disease outbreaks— ( 1 ) to maintain scenic q uality; ( 2 ) to prevent tree mortality; (3) to reduce ha z ards to visitors; or ( 4 ) to protect private land. (h) V E G ETATION M ANAGE M ENT.—The Secretary may engage in vegetation manipulation practices in the scenic areas to maintain the visual quality and wildlife clearings in e x istence on the date of enactment of this A ct. (i) MOTORI Z ED VE H ICLES.— (1) IN GENERAL.— E xcept as provided in paragraph (2), motorized vehicles shall not be allowed within the scenic areas. (2) E X CEPTIONS.—The Secretary may authorize the use of motorized vehicles— (A) to carry out administrative activities that further the purposes of the scenic areas, as described in subsection (b); (B) to assist wildlife management projects in existence on the date of enactment of this Act; and (C) during deer and bear hunting seasons— (i) on Forest Development R oads 4 9 41 0 and 8 4b; and (ii) on the portion of Forest Development Road 6 261 designated on the map described in subsection (a)(2) as ‘ ‘open seasonally ’ ’. (j) W ILDFIRE SUPPRESSION.—Wildfire suppression within the scenic areas shall be conducted— (1) in a manner consistent with the purposes of the scenic areas, as described in subsection (b); and (2) using such means as the Secretary determines to be appropriate. (k) WATER.—The Secretary shall administer the scenic areas in a manner that maintains and enhances water quality. (l) WITHDRAWAL.—Subject to valid existing rights, all Federal land in the scenic areas is withdrawn from— (1) location, entry, and patent under the mining laws; and (2) operation of the mineral leasing and geothermal leasing laws. SEC.1 1 05 . TRAILP LA N AN D DE V EL O P M ENT. (a) TRAIL P LAN.—The Secretary, in consultation with interested parties, shall establish a trail plan to develop— (1) in a manner consistent with the Wilderness Act (16 U .S.C. 1131 et seq.), hiking and equestrian trails in the wilder- ness areas designated by paragraphs (9) through (20) of section 1 of Public L aw 100 – 326 (16 U.S.C. 1132 note) (as added by section 1102(a)( 5 )); and (2) nonmotorized recreation trails in the scenic areas. (b) IMPLEMENTATION REPORT.— N ot later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to