Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1043

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123STA T . 1 0 23 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .30 , 200 9(B)natio na l l yrec o g ni z e d code sf or de v elo pm entint h e w ildland -u r b an interface development and wildfire hazard mitigation . ( 3 ) EF F ECTON ENFO R CE M ENT BYS T A TES AN DP O LI TICAL S U BDI V ISIONS. —N othing in this subsection alters or limits the power of the S tate or a political subdivision of the State to implement or enforce any law (including regulations) , rule, or standard relating to development or fire prevention and control. SEC.1207 . TRIBALP R OV ISIO N S

PLANNIN G AN D ST U DIES. (a) T RANSPORTATION P LAN.— ( 1 ) I N G ENERAL.—The Secretary shall see k to participate in the development of an integrated, multimodal transportation plan developed by the O regon D epartment of Transportation for the M ount H ood region to achieve comprehensive solutions to transportation challenges in the Mount Hood region— ( A ) to promote appropriate economic development

(B) to preserve the landscape of the Mount Hood region; and ( C ) to enhance public safety. ( 2 ) ISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED.—In participating in the development of the transportation plan under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall seek to address— (A) transportation alternatives between and among recreation areas and gateway communities that are located within the Mount Hood region; (B) establishing park-and-ride facilities that shall be located at gateway communities; (C) establishing intermodal transportation centers to link public transportation, parking, and recreation destina- tions; (D) creating a new interchange on Oregon State High- way 2 6 located ad j acent to or within G overnment Camp; (E) designating, maintaining, and improving alter- native routes using F orest Service or State roads for— (i) providing emergency routes; or (ii) improving access to, and travel within, the Mount Hood region; (F) the feasibility of establishing— (i) a gondola connection that— (I) connects Timberline L odge to Government Camp; and (II) is located in close pro x imity to the site of the historic gondola corridor; and (ii) an intermodal transportation center to be located in close proximity to Government Camp; (G) burying power lines located in, or adjacent to, the Mount Hood National Forest along Interstate 84 near the City of Cascade Locks, Oregon; and (H) creating mechanisms for funding the implementa- tion of the transportation plan under paragraph (1), including— (i) funds provided by the Federal Government; (ii) public-private partnerships; (iii) incremental tax financing; and