Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1148

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123STA T . 112 8PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .3 0, 200 9(I II )ther e sul ts of those ac t i o n s .Subti t leC—Wyom i ngRa nge SEC.3201 . D E FIN I T I O NS. In this su b title

( 1 ) SECR E TA R Y . —T he ter m‘ ‘Secretar y’ ’ means the Secretary of the Interior. ( 2 ) W Y OMING RANGE W IT HD RAWA L AREA.—The term ‘‘Wyomin gR ange With d ra w al A rea’’ means all N ational F orest System land and federally owned minerals located within the boundaries of the B ridger - Teton National Forest identified on the ma p entitled ‘‘Wyoming Range Withdrawal Area’’ and dated O ctober 1 7, 2 0 07, on file with the Office of the C hief of the Forest Ser v ice and the Office of the Supervisor of the Bridger- Teton National Forest. SEC. 3202. W IT H D RA WA L OF CERTAIN LAND IN THE W Y O M IN G RANGE. (a) WITHDRAWAL.— Ex cept as provided in subsection (f), sub j ect to valid existing rights as of the date of enactment of this Act and the provisions of this subtitle, land in the Wyoming Range Withdrawal Area is withdrawn from— (1) all forms of appropriation or disposal under the public land laws

(2) location, entry, and patent under the mining laws; and ( 3 ) disposition under laws relating to mineral and geo- thermal leasing. (b) E X I S TING RIGHTS.—If any right referred to in subsection (a) is relin q uished or otherwise acquired by the U nited States (including through donation under section 3203) after the date of enactment of this Act, the land subject to that right shall be withdrawn in accordance with this section. (c) B UF FERS.—Nothing in this section requires— (1) the creation of a protective perimeter or buffer area outside the boundaries of the Wyoming Range Withdrawal Area; or (2) any prohibition on activities outside of the boundaries of the Wyoming Range Withdrawal Area that can be seen or heard from within the boundaries of the Wyoming Range Withdrawal Area. (d) L AND AND RESOURCE M ANAGEMENT P LAN.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to paragraph (2), the Bridger- Teton National Land and Resource Management Plan (including any revisions to the Plan) shall apply to any land within the Wyoming Range Withdrawal Area. (2) CONFLICTS.—If there is a conflict between this subtitle and the Bridger-Teton National Land and Resource Manage- ment Plan, this subtitle shall apply. (e) PRIOR LEASE SALES.—Nothing in this section prohibits the Secretary from ta k ing any action necessary to issue, deny, remove the suspension of, or cancel a lease, or any sold lease parcel that has not been issued, pursuant to any lease sale conducted prior to the date of enactment of this Act, including the completion of any requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act of1 96 9( 4 2 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.). Ap p licab ili ty.