Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1168

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123STA T . 11 48PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .3 0, 200 9freshwat er , hea l th i est n ati v etr ou t fisheries, an dm ost inta c t rivers and streams in the lower 48S tates


the rivers and streams of the headwaters of the Sna k e R iver S y stem — (i) p rovide unparalleled fishin g , hunting, b oating, and other recreational activities for— ( I ) local residents; and (II) millions of visitors from around the world; and (ii) are national treasures; ( C ) each year, recreational activities on the rivers and streams of the headwaters of the Snake River System generate millions of dollars for the economies of— (i) T eton County, W yoming; and (ii) L incoln County, Wyoming; ( D ) to ensure that future generations of citi z ens of the U nited States en j oy the benefits of the rivers and streams of the headwaters of the Snake River System, Congress should apply the protections provided by the Wild and Scenic Rivers A ct( 16 U . S.C. 1 27 1etse q .) to those rivers and streams; and ( E ) the designation of the rivers and streams of the headwaters of the Snake River System under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 U.S.C. 1271 et seq.) will signify to the citizens of the United States the importance of maintaining the outstanding and remarkable qualities of the Snake River System while— (i) preserving public access to those rivers and streams; (ii) respecting private property rights (including e x isting water rights); and (iii) continuing to allow historic uses of the rivers and streams. (2) PURPOSE S.—The purposes of this section are— (A) to protect for current and future generations of citizens of the United States the outstandingly remarkable scenic, natural, wildlife, fishery, recreational, scientific, his - toric, and ecological values of the rivers and streams of the headwaters of the Snake River System, while con- tinuing to deliver water and operate and maintain valuable irrigation water infrastructure; and (B) to designate approximately 3 87.7 miles of the rivers and streams of the headwaters of the Snake River System as additions to the N ational Wild and Scenic Rivers System. (c) DE FIN I T IONS.—In this section

(1) SE C RET A R Y CONCERNE D .—The term ‘ ‘Secretary con- cerned ’ ’ means— (A) the Secretary of Agriculture (acting through the Chief of the F orest Service), with respect to each river segment described in paragraph (2 05 ) of section 3(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 U.S.C. 1274(a)) (as added by subsection (d)) that is not located in— (i) G rand Teton National Park; (ii) Y ellowstone National Park; (iii) the J ohn D. Rockefeller, Jr. M emorial Park- way; or (iv) the National Elk Refuge; and 16USC 1 274note.