Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1177

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123STA T . 11 57PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .3 0, 200 9(C) C ONTE NT S.—Theplans hall— ( i ) co n f i rm an d, if appropria t e,e x pand on the in v entor y of feat u res of the floods contained in the N ational P ar kS ervice study entitled ‘ ‘ I ce Ag e F loods, Study of Alternatives and E nvironmental Assessment ’ ’ (Fe b ruary 20 0 1 ) by— (I) locating features more accurately

(II) improving the description of features; and (III) reevaluating the features in terms of their interpretive potential; (ii) revie w and, if appropriate, modify the map of the Trail referred to in subsection (d)(1); (iii) describe strategies for the coordinated develop - ment of the Trail, including an interpretive plan for facilities, waysides, roadside pullouts, exhibits, media, and programs that present the story of the floods to the public effectively; and (iv) identify potential partnering opportunities in the development of interpretive facilities and edu- cational programs to educate the public about the story of the floods. ( 6 ) COO P E RA T IV E M ANA G EMENT.— (A) IN GENERA L .—In order to facilitate the development of coordinated interpretation, education, resource steward- ship, visitor facility development and operation, and sci- entific research associated with the Trail and to promote more efficient administration of the sites associated with the Trail, the Secretary may enter into cooperative manage- ment agreements with appropriate officials in the States of M ontana, Idaho, W ashington, and O regon in accordance with the authority provided for units of the National Park System under section 3 (l) of Public L aw 9 1 – 3 8 3 (16 U .S.C. 1a–2(l)). ( B )A U T H ORIT Y .—For purposes of this paragraph only, the Trail shall be considered a unit of the National Park System. ( 7 ) COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS.—The Secretary may enter into cooperative agreements with public or private entities to carry out this section. (8) E F FE C T ON PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS.—Nothing in this section— (A) re q uires any private property owner to allow public access (including Federal, State, or local government access) to private property; or (B) modifies any provision of Federal, State, or local law with respect to public access to or use of private land. (9) LIA B ILITY.— D esignation of the Trail by subsection (c) does not create any liability for, or affect any liability under any law of, any private property owner with respect to any person in j ured on the private property. (g) AUTHORI Z ATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There are authori z ed to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this section, of which not more than $ 12,000,000 may be used for development of the Trail.