Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1203

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123STA T . 11 8 3 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .3 0, 200 9theland e xc han g e or con s tr u ct i ono f the road ( including a challenge to the NEPAp rocess , decisions, or an y re q uired per m it process required to complete construction of the road ) , the 7- year deadline or the fi v e-year extension period, as appro- priate, shall b e extended for a time period equivalent to the time consumed by the full ad j udication of the legal challenge or related administrative process . ( 2 ) INJU N CTIO N. — After a construction permit has been issued, if a court issues an injunction against construction of the road, the 7-year deadline or 5 -year extension, as appro- priate, shall be extended for a time period equivalent to time period that the injunction is in effect. (d) A P P L IC AB ILIT Y O FSE CTION 640 5.— U pon the expiration of the legislative authority under this section, if a road has not been constructed, the land exchange shall be null and void and the land o w nership shall revert to the respective ownership status prior to the land exchange as provided in section 6405. TI T LEV II —NA TI O NAL P A RKS ERVI C E A U T H ORI Z ATIONS S ubti t le A—A d diti ons tot h eN a tional Pa rk S y ste mSEC.70 0 1 . PAT E R S ONG REAT F A L LS NAT I ONAL H ISTORICAL PAR K, NE WJ ERSE Y . (a) D EFINITION S .—In this section

( 1 ) C ITY.— T he term ‘ ‘City ’ ’ means the City of Paterson, New J ersey. (2) CO M MISSION.—The term ‘‘Commission’’ means the Paterson G reat F alls National H istorical Par k Advisory Commission established by subsection (e)(1). ( 3 ) HISTO R IC D ISTRICT.—The term ‘‘Historic District’’ means the Great Falls Historic District in the State. (4) M ANA G EMENT PLAN.—The term ‘‘management plan’’ means the management plan for the Park developed under subsection (d). (5) MAP.—The term ‘‘Map’’ means the map entitled ‘‘Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park – Proposed B oundary’’, numbered T03 /8 0,001, and dated May 2008. (6) PAR K .—The term ‘‘Park’’ means the Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park established by subsection (b)(1)(A). (7) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ means the Secretary of the Interior. (8) STATE.—The term ‘‘State’’ means the State of New Jersey. (b) PATERSON GREAT FALLS NATIONAL HISTORICAL PARK.— (1) ESTABLIS H MENT.— (A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subparagraph (B), there is established in the State a unit of the National Park System to be known as the ‘‘Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park’’. 16USC4 1 0l ll .