Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1206

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123STA T . 11 86PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .3 0, 200 9beinth e form of d on a ted p ropert y,g ood s ,orser v i c es from a non -F edera l so u rce .(4)ACQUIS I T I ON O FLA N D . — (A) I N GE NE R AL.— T he S ecretary may ac q uire land or interests in land w ithin the boundary of the P ar k by dona- tion, purchase from a willing seller with donated or appro- priated funds, or e x change. ( B ) D ONATION OF STATE O W NED LAND.— L and or interests in land owned by the State or any political sub- division of the State may only be acquired by donation. ( 5 ) TEC H NICAL ASSISTANCE AND P U B LIC INTERPRETATION.— The Secretary may provide technical assistance and public interpretation of related historic and cultural resources within the boundary of the H istoric District. (d) M ANAGE M ENT PLAN.— ( 1 ) IN GENERAL.— N ot later than 3 fiscal years after the date on which funds are made available to carry out this subsection, the Secretary, in consultation with the C ommission, shall complete a management plan for the Park in accordance with— (A) section 1 2 (b) of Public Law 9 1 – 3 8 3 (commonly known as the ‘ ‘National Park Service G eneral Authorities Act ’ ’) (1 6U .S.C. 1a– 7 (b))

and (B) other applicable laws. (2) COST SHARE.—The management plan shall include provisions that identify costs to be shared by the Federal Government, the State, and the City, and other public or private entities or individuals for necessary capital improvements to, and maintenance and operations of, the Park. (3) SUBMISSION TO CONGRESS.— O n completion of the management plan, the Secretary shall submit the management plan to— (A) the Committee on E nergy and Natural R esources of the Senate; and (B) the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives. (e) PATERSON GREAT FALLS NATIONAL HISTORICAL PAR K AD V ISOR Y COMMISSION.— (1) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established a commission to be known as the ‘‘Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park Advisory Commission’’. (2) DUTIES.—The duties of the Commission shall be to advise the Secretary in the development and implementation of the management plan. (3) MEMBERSHIP.— (A) COMPOSITION.—The Commission shall be composed of 9 members, to be appointed by the Secretary, of whom— (i) 4 members shall be appointed after consider- ation of recommendations submitted by the Governor of the State; (ii) 2 members shall be appointed after consider- ation of recommendations submitted by the City Council of Paterson, New J ersey; (iii) 1 member shall be appointed after consider- ation of recommendations submitted by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of Passaic County, New Jersey; and Deadlin e .