Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1246

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123STA T . 122 6PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .3 0, 200 9(i ii )requ ire ,w i th re sp e c tt oal la g ree m e n ts author - i z ing e x pen d iture o fF ederal funds by other organiza- tions, that the organizations recei v ing the funds ma k e available to the S ecretary for audit all records con- cerning the expenditure of the funds

and (F) encourage by appropriate means economic viability that is consistent with the H eritage A rea . ( 3 ) PROHIB I T IO N ON TH EACQU I S ITION O F REA LP ROPERT Y . —T he management entity shall not use Federal funds made available under this section to acquire real property or any interest in real property. ( 4 ) C OST-SHARIN G REQUIRE M ENT.—The Federal share of the cost of any activity carried out using any assistance made available under this section shall be 50 percent. (d) M ANAGEMENT PLAN.— ( 1 ) I N GENERAL.— N ot later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the management entity shall submit to the Secretary for approval a proposed management plan for the Heritage Area. ( 2 ) R EQUIREMENTS.—The management plan shall— (A) incorporate an integrated and cooperative approach for the protection, enhancement, and interpretation of the natural, cultural, historic, scenic, and recreational resources of the Heritage Area; ( B ) take into consideration State and local plans; (C) include— (i) an inventory of— (I) the resources located in the core area described in subsection (b)(2); and (II) any other property in the core area that— (aa) is related to the themes of the Herit- age Area; and (bb) should be preserved, restored, man- aged, or maintained because of the significance of the property; (ii) comprehensive policies, strategies and rec- ommendations for conservation, funding, management, and development of the Heritage Area; (iii) a description of actions that governments, pri- vate organizations, and individuals have agreed to take to protect the natural, historical and cultural resources of the Heritage Area; (iv) a program of implementation for the manage- ment plan by the management entity that includes a description of— (I) actions to facilitate ongoing collaboration among partners to promote plans for resource protection, restoration, and construction; and (II) specific commitments for implementation that have been made by the management entity or any government, organization, or individual for the first 5 years of operation; (v) the identification of sources of funding for car- rying out the management plan; (vi) analysis and recommendations for means by which local, State, and Federal programs, including the role of the National Park Service in the Heritage Deadlin e .