Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1325

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123STA T . 13 05PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .30 , 200 9sucha s diver si on s t ructures and m ain conve y ance ditches , are unsa f e and b are l y,ifatall,o p erable


the benefits of rehabilitatin g and repairing irriga - tion infrastructure of the R io G rande P ueblos include — (i) w ater conservation; (ii) e x tending available water supplies; (iii) increased agricultural productivity; (iv) economic benefits; (v) safer facilities; and (vi) the preservation of the culture of I ndian Pueblos in the S tate; ( E ) certain Indian Pueblos in the Rio Grande B asin receive water from facilities operated or owned by the Bureau of Reclamation; and ( F ) rehabilitation and repair of irrigation infrastructure of the Rio Grande Pueblos would improve— (i) overall water management by the Bureau of Reclamation; and (ii) the ability of the Bureau of Reclamation to help address potential water supply conflicts in the Rio Grande Basin . ( 2 )P URPOSE .— T he purpose of this section is to direct the Secretary— ( A ) to assess the condition of the irrigation infrastruc- ture of the Rio Grande Pueblos; (B) to establish priorities for the rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructure of the Rio Grande Pueblos in accordance with specified criteria; and ( C ) to implement pro j ects to rehabilitate and improve the irrigation infrastructure of the Rio Grande Pueblos. (b) DE FIN I T IONS.—In this section

( 1 )2 0 0 4AG REE M ENT.—The term ‘ ‘2004 Agreement ’ ’ means the agreement entitled ‘‘Agreement By and Between the U nited States of America and the M iddle Rio Grande Conservancy District, Providing for the Payment of O peration and Mainte- nance Charges on N ewly Reclaimed Pueblo Indian L ands in the Middle Rio Grande V alley, New Mexico’’ and executed in September 2004 (including any successor agreements and amendments to the agreement). (2) DESIGNATE D ENGINEER.—The term ‘‘designated engi- neer’’ means a Federal employee designated under the Act of February 14, 1 9 2 7 ( 6 9 Stat. 109 8 , chapter 1 3 8) to represent the United States in any action involving the maintenance, rehabilitation, or preservation of the condition of any irrigation structure or facility on land located in the Six Middle Rio Grande Pueblos. (3) DISTRI C T.—The term ‘‘District’’ means the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, a political subdivision of the State established in 192 5 . (4) PUE BL O IRRIGATION INFRASTRUCTURE.—The term ‘‘Pueblo irrigation infrastructure’’ means any diversion struc- ture, conveyance facility, or drainage facility that is— (A) in existence as of the date of enactment of this Act; and (B) located on land of a Rio Grande Pueblo that is associated with—