Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1374

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123STA T . 13 54PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .3 0, 200 9SEC.10 00 6 .C OMPLIAN CE W I TH APPLICA B LE LAW. (a)AP P LICAB L EL A W.— ( 1 ) ING ENE R AL.—I nu n dert a ki n g t h e m ea s ures auth o ri z ed by this p art , the S e c retary and the Secretary o fC ommerce sha l l comply w ith all applicable F ederal and State laws, rules, and regulations, including the N ational E n v ironmental P olicy Actof1 96 9( 42U .S.C. 4 3 21etse q .) and the Endangered Species Act of 19 7 3 (16 U.S.C. 1 5 31 et seq.), as necessary. (2) EN V IR O N M EN T AL REVIEW S .— T he Secretary and the Sec - retary of Commerce are authorized and directed to initiate and e x peditiously complete applicable environmental reviews and consultations as may be necessary to effectuate the pur- poses of the Settlement. (b) E F FECT ON STATE LAW.—Nothing in this part shall preempt State law or modify any existing obligation of the United States under Federal reclamation law to operate the Central V alley Pro j ect in conformity with State law. (c)USEOFF U N D S FOR ENVIRONMENTAL R EVIEWS.— (1) D EFINITION OF ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW.—For purposes of this subsection, the term ‘ ‘environmental review ’ ’ includes any consultation and planning necessary to comply with sub- section (a). (2) PARTICIPATION IN ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PROCESS.— In undertaking the measures authorized by section 1 0 004, and for which environmental review is required, the Secretary may provide funds made available under this part to affected Federal agencies, State agencies, local agencies, and Indian tribes if the Secretary determines that such funds are necessary to allow the Federal agencies, State agencies, local agencies, or Indian tribes to effectively participate in the environmental review process. (3) LIMITATION.—Funds may be provided under paragraph (2) only to support activities that directly contribute to the implementation of the terms and conditions of the Settlement. (d) NONREIMBURSABLE FUNDS.—The United States’ share of the costs of implementing this part shall be nonreimbursable under Federal reclamation law, provided that nothing in this subsection shall limit or be construed to limit the use of the funds assessed and collected pursuant to sections 3406(c)(1) and 3407(d)(2) of the Reclamation Projects Authorization and Adjustment Act of 1992 (Public Law 102 – 575

106 Stat. 4721, 4727), for implementation of the Settlement, nor shall it be construed to limit or modify existing or future Central Valley Project ratesetting policies. SEC. 1000 7 . COMPLIANCE WITH CENT R AL V ALLE Y PRO J ECT IMPROVE - MENT ACT. Congress hereby finds and declares that the Settlement satisfies and discharges all of the obligations of the Secretary contained in section 3406(c)(1) of the Reclamation Projects Authorization and Adjustment Act of 1992 (Public Law 102–575; 106 Stat. 4721), provided, however, that— (1) the Secretary shall continue to assess and collect the charges provided in section 3406(c)(1) of the Reclamation Projects Authorization and Adjustment Act of 1992 (Public Law 102–575; 106 Stat. 4721), as provided in the Settlement; and As s e ss m e nt.Col le c t i ons. D ete r min a tion.