Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1442

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123STA T . 1 4 22 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .3 0, 200 9(b)MEMB E RSHIP.—TheCom m it tee s h al lbe c om pr ise d o f hi g h - le v el represe n tatives of the D epartment of Commerce , thro u gh the N ational O ceanic and A tmospheric Administration, the Department of the I nterior, the National S cience F oundation, the Department of Defense, the E nvironmental P rotection Agenc y , the Department of H omeland Security, the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis- tration, and other appropriate Federal agencies involved in ocean and coastal mapping. (c) PR OG R A M PARAME T ERS.—In developing such a program, the President, through the Committee, shall— ( 1 ) identify all Federal and federally-funded programs con- ducting shoreline delineation and ocean or coastal mapping, noting geographic coverage, fre q uency, spatial coverage, resolu- tion, and sub j ect matter focus of the data and location of data archives

( 2 ) facilitate cost-effective, cooperative mapping efforts that incorporate policies for contracting w ith non-governmental enti- ties among all Federal agencies conducting ocean and coastal mapping, by increasing data sharing, developing appropriate data acquisition and metadata standards, and facilitating the interoperability of in situ data collection systems, data proc- essing, archiving, and distribution of data products; ( 3 ) facilitate the adaptation of e x isting technologies as well as foster expertise in new ocean and coastal mapping tech- nologies, including through research, development, and training conducted among Federal agencies and in cooperation with non-governmental entities; ( 4 ) develop standards and protocols for testing innovative experimental mapping technologies and transferring new tech- nologies between the Federal G overnment, coastal state, and non-governmental entities; ( 5 ) provide for the archiving, management, and distribution of data sets through a national registry as well as provide mapping products and services to the general public in service of statutory requirements; ( 6 ) develop data standards and protocols consistent with standards developed by the Federal Geographic Data Com- mittee for use by Federal, coastal state, and other entities in mapping and otherwise documenting locations of federally permitted activities, living and nonliving coastal and marine resources, marine ecosystems, sensitive habitats, submerged cultural resources, undersea cables, offshore aquaculture projects, offshore energy projects, and any areas designated for purposes of environmental protection or conservation and management of living and nonliving coastal and marine resources; ( 7 ) identify the procedures to be used for coordinating the collection and integration of Federal ocean and coastal mapping data with coastal state and local government programs; ( 8 ) facilitate, to the extent practicable, the collection of real-time tide data and the development of hydrodynamic models for coastal areas to allow for the application of V - datum tools that will facilitate the seamless integration of onshore and offshore maps and charts; ( 9 ) establish a plan for the acquisition and collection of ocean and coastal mapping data; and