Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/15

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xi ii LISTOFC O N C UR R E NT RESOLUTIONS CONTAI N ED INT H I SV O LUM E CON C UR R E N T RE S O L UT I ON DA TE P A G E S . C on . Res . 1 ........ J oin t Session — E l e c to ra l v ote co u nt ......................... Jan. 7,20 0 9 ...... 34 99 S. Con. Res. 2 ........ Joint Con g ressional Co m mittee on Inaugural Cere - monies—Continuation. Jan. 7, 2009 ...... 3499 H. Con. Res. 2 6 ..... A dj ournment—House o f Re p resentatives ................ Jan. 2 8 , 2009 .... 3499 H. Con. Res. 27 ..... B irt h ofA b raham Lincoln bicentennial ceremon y — Capitol rotunda authori z ation. F eb. 3, 2009 ...... 3 5 00 H. Con. Res. 41 ..... Joint Session .............................................................. Feb. 11, 2009 .... 3500 H. Con. Res. 35 ..... National Association for the Advancement of Col- ored P eople—100th anniversary. Feb. 13, 2009 .... 3500 H. Con. Res. 47 ..... Adjournment—House of Representatives and Senate. Feb. 13, 2009 .... 3502 H. Con. Res. 37 ..... Soap box derby races—Capitol grounds authoriza- tion. Mar. 12, 2009 .... 3502 H. Con. Res. 39 ..... 2009 District of Columbia Special Olympics la w enforcement torch run—Capitol grounds author- ization. Mar. 17, 2009 .... 3503 H. Con. Res. 54 ..... Days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust commemoration ceremony—Capitol rotunda au- thorization. Apr. 1, 2009 ...... 3504 H. Con. Res. 93 ..... Adjournment—House of Representatives and Senate. Apr. 3, 2009 ...... 3504 H. Con. Res. 86 ..... Sojourner Truth bust—Emancipation Hall author- ization. Apr. 23, 2009 .... 3505 H. Con. Res. 101 ... Ronald W ilson Reagan statue ceremony—Capitol rotunda authorization. Apr. 23, 2009 .... 3505 S. Con. Res. 13 ...... Federal budget—Fiscal year 2010 ............................ Apr. 29, 2009 .... 3506 H. Con. Res. 104 ... National Sexual Assault Awareness and Preven- tion Month—Support. Apr. 30, 2009 .... 3550 H. Con. Res. 38 ..... National Peace Officers ’ Memorial Service—Cap- itol grounds authorization. May 12, 2009 .... 3551 H. Con. Res. 80 ..... K ing Kamehameha birthday celebration—Emanci- pation Hall authorization. May 13, 2009 .... 3552 H. Con. Res. 133 ... Adjournment—House of Representatives and Senate. May 21, 2009 .... 3552 H. Con. Res. 109 ... Susan G . Komen Global Race for the Cure—Rec- ognition and support. June 8, 2009 ...... 3553 S. Con. Res. 31 ...... Adjournment—Senate and House of Representa- tives. June 26, 2009 .... 3554 H. Con. Res. 131 ... Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and National Motto engravings—Capitol Visitor Center. July 10, 2009 .... 3555 H. Con. Res. 135 ... Placement of Slave labor mar k er—Capitol Visitor Center. July 10, 2009 .... 3555 H. Con. Res. 164 ... Food and Nutritition Service—Recognition ............. July 21, 2009 .... 3557 S. Con. Res. 30 ...... Bureau of Labor Statistics—125th anniversary ...... July 21, 2009 .... 3557 S. Con. Res. 29 ...... John Arthur ‘ ‘Jack’’ Johnson, posthumous par- don—Support. July 29, 2009 .... 3558