Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1506

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123STA T . 1 486PUBLIC LA W 111 – 13 — AP R .21 , 2 0 0 9subgrant st o ot he r ent i ties , to su p port or c arr y out the f o l lo w ing national ser v ice corps or progra m s, as full - or part-time corps or programs, to a d dress unmet needs

‘ (1)EDUCATION CO RPS.— ‘‘( A ) I N GE NERA L .— T he recipient may carry out national service programs through an Education C orps that identi- fies and meets unmet educational needs within commu- nities through activities such as those described in subpara- graph ( B ) and improves performance on the indicators described in subparagraph (C). ‘‘(B) ACTI V ITIES.—An Education Corps described in this paragraph may carry out activities such as— ‘‘(i) tutoring, or providing other academic support to elementary school and secondary school students

‘‘(ii) improving school climate; ‘‘(iii) mentoring students, including adult or peer mentoring; ‘‘(iv) lin k ing needed integrated services and com- prehensive supports with students, their families, and their public schools; ‘‘(v) providing assistance to a school in e x panding the school day by strengthening the q uality of staff and expanding the academic programming offered in an expanded learning time initiative, a program of a 2 1st century community learning center (as defined in section 4 2 0 1 of the Elementary and S econdary Edu- cation Act of 1 965 (20 U .S.C. 7 171)), or a high-quality after-school program; ‘‘(vi) assisting schools and local educational agen- cies in improving and expanding high-quality service- learning programs that keep students engaged in schools by carrying out programs that provide special- i z ed training to individuals in service-learning, and place the individuals (after such training) in positions as service-learning coordinators, to facilitate service- learning in programs eligible for funding under part I of subtitle B; ‘‘(vii) assisting students in being prepared for col- lege-level work; ‘‘(viii) involving family members of students in sup- porting teachers and students; ‘‘(ix) conducting a preprofessional training program in which students enrolled in an institution of higher education— ‘‘(I) receive training (which may include classes containing service-learning) in specified fields including early childhood education and care, elementary and secondary education, and other fields such as those relating to health services, criminal j ustice, environmental stewardship and conservation, or public safety; ‘‘(II) perform service related to such training outside the classroom during the school term and during summer or other vacation periods; and ‘‘(III) agree to provide service upon graduation to meet unmet human, educational, environmental, or public safety needs related to such training;