Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1518

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123STA T . 1 498PUBLIC LA W 111 – 13 — AP R .21 , 2 0 09 ‘ ‘ (B) B YSTA T E S .—Consi s te nt w it hpar a g raph ( 4 ) ,S tates sha l l esta b lish, an d thro u gh the national ser v i c e plan process described in section 178 (e)(1), periodicall y alter priorities as appropriate regarding the national service pro - gra m s to be assisted under section 1 29 (e). T he State prior- ities shall be sub j ect to Corporation review as part o f the application process under section 1 30 . ‘‘(2) NO T IC ETOA P P L ICA N TS.—The Corporation shall provide advance notice to potential applicants of any national service priorities to be in effect under this subsection for a fiscal year. The notice shall specifically include— ‘‘( A ) a description of any alteration made in the prior- ities since the previous notice

and ‘‘(B) a description of the national service programs that are designated by the Corporation under section 133(d)(2) as eligible for priority consideration in the ne x t competitive distribution of assistance under section 121(a). ‘‘(3) R E GU LATIONS.—The Corporation shall by regulation establish procedures to ensure the e q uitable treatment of national service programs that— ‘‘(A) receive funding under this subtitle for multiple years; and ‘‘(B) would be adversely affected by annual revisions in such national service priorities. ‘‘(4) APPLICATION TO SU B G R ANTS.—Any national service priorities established by the Corporation under this subsection shall also be used by each recipient of funds under section 121(a) that uses any portion of the assistance to conduct a grant program to support other national service programs. ‘‘(g) CONSULTATION ON I N D ICATORS.—The Corporation shall con- sult with the Secretary of E ducation, the Secretary of H ealth and Human Services, the D irector of the Centers for Disease Control and P revention, the Secretary of Energy, the Secretary of V eterans Affairs, the Secretary of the Interior, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Secretary of L abor, the Sec- retary of Housing and U rban Development, and the Secretary of the Treasury, as appropriate, in developing additional indicators for the corps and programs described in subsections (a) and (b). ‘‘(h) RE Q UIRE M ENTS F OR TUTORS.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in paragraph (2), the Corporation shall require that each recipient of assistance under the national service laws that operates a tutoring pro- gram involving elementary school or secondary school students certifies that individuals serving in approved national service positions as tutors in such program have— ‘‘(A) obtained their high school diplomas; and ‘‘(B) successfully completed pre- and in-service training for tutors. ‘‘(2) E X CEPTION.—The requirements in paragraph (1) do not apply to an individual serving in an approved national service position who is enrolled in an elementary school or secondary school and is providing tutoring services through a structured, school-managed cross-grade tutoring program. ‘‘(i) REQUIREMENTS FOR TUTORING PROGRAMS.—Each tutoring program that receives assistance under the national service laws shall— Certif i ca ti on.P roce du re s .