Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1566

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123STA T . 1 546PUBLIC LA W 111 – 13 — AP R .21 , 2 0 0 9(I)byad d ing a t t he end the fol lo w ing

‘( 13 ) bol s te r the pu bli c awareness of and recruit m ent efforts for the wide range of ser v ice opportunities for citi z ens of all ages , regardless of socioeconomic status or geographic location, through a variety of methods, including — ‘‘( A ) print media

‘‘( B ) the Internet and related emerging technologies; ‘‘( C ) television; ‘‘( D ) radio; ‘‘( E ) presentations at public or private forums; ‘‘( F ) other innovative methods of communication; and ‘‘( G ) outreach to offices of economic development, S tate employment security agencies, labor organizations and trade associations, local educational agencies, institutions of higher education, agencies and organizations serving veterans and individuals with disabilities, and other institutions or organizations from which participants for programs receiving assistance from the national service laws can be recruited; ‘‘(1 4 ) identify and implement methods of recruitment to— ‘‘(A) increase the diversity of participants in the pro - grams receiving assistance under the national service laws; and ‘‘(B) increase the diversity of service sponsors of pro- grams desiring to receive assistance under the national service laws; ‘‘(1 5 ) coordinate with organizations of former participants of national service programs for service opportunities that may include capacity building, outreach, and recruitment for pro- grams receiving assistance under the national service laws; ‘‘(1 6 ) collaborate with organizations with demonstrated e x pertise in supporting and accommodating individuals with disabilities, including institutions of higher education, to iden- tify and implement methods of recruitment to increase the number of participants who are individuals with disabilities in the programs receiving assistance under the national service laws; ‘‘(1 7 ) identify and implement recruitment strategies and training programs for bilingual volunteers in the N ational Senior Service Corps under title II of the Domestic V olunteer Service Act of 1 9 73; ‘‘(1 8 ) collaborate with organizations that have established volunteer recruitment programs to increase the recruitment capacity of the Corporation; ‘‘(19) where practicable, provide application materials in languages other than English for individuals with limited English proficiency who wish to participate in a national service program; ‘‘( 20 ) collaborate with the training and technical assistance programs described in subtitle J with respect to the activities described in section 199N(b)); ‘‘(21) coordinate the clearinghouses described in section 198 O

‘‘(22) coordinate with entities receiving funds under subtitle C in establishing the National Service R eserve Corps under section 198 H , through which alumni of the national service