Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1604

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123STA T . 1 584PUBLIC LA W 111 – 13 — AP R .21 , 2 0 0 9CHAPTER2—UNIV ER S IT Y YEAR FO R VISTA SEC.21 21. UNIV E R SI TY YE A R FO R VISTA. PartBof t i t leI(42U.S . C .4 971 et s e q . ) is re p eale d . CHAPTER 3 —SPECIA L VOLUNTEER PRO G RA M S SEC. 21 3 1. STATE M ENT OF P URPOSE. Se c tio n 121 (42 U.S.C. 4991) is a m ended in t h e second sentence by stri k in g‘ ‘sit u ations ’ ’ and inserting ‘‘organi z ations’’. SEC. 2132. L ITERACY C H ALLEN G E GRANTS. Section 124 (42 U.S.C. 499 5 ) is repealed. Subti t leB—Na ti on al Senio r Ser v i c e C or ps SEC. 21 4 1. TITLE. T itle II (42 U.S.C. 5 0 00 et seq.) is amended by striking the title heading and inserting the follo w ing

‘‘TIT LE II —NA TI O NAL SENIO R SER V ICE CORPS’’. SEC. 2142. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE. Section 200 (42 U.S.C. 5000) is amended to read as follows: ‘ ‘SEC. 2 0 0. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE. ‘‘It is the purpose of this title to pro v ide— ‘‘(1) opportunities for senior service to meet unmet local , State, and national needs in the areas of education, public safety, emergency and disaster preparedness, relief, and recovery, health and human needs, and the environment

‘‘(2) for the National Senior Service Corps, comprised of the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, the F oster G rand - parent Program, and the Senior Companion Program, and dem- onstration and other programs, to empower people 55 years of age or older to contribute to their communities through service, enhance the lives of those who serve and those whom they serve, and provide communities with valuable services; ‘‘( 3 ) opportunities for people 55 years of age or older, through the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, to share their knowledge, e x periences, abilities, and skills for the better- ment of their communities and themselves; ‘‘(4) opportunities for low-income people 55 years of age or older, through the Foster Grandparents Program, to have a positive impact on the lives of children in need; and ‘‘(5) opportunities for low-income people 55 years of age or older, through the Senior Companion Program, to provide support services and companionship to other older individuals through volunteer service.’’. SEC. 2143. RETIRE D AND SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM. Section 201 (42 U.S.C. 5001(a)) is amended— (1) in subsection (a)— (A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘avail’’ and all that follows through ‘‘community,’’ and inserting ‘‘share their experiences, abilities, and skills to 42USC 4 971– 497 3.