Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1606

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123STA T . 1 586PUBLIC LA W 111 – 13 — AP R .21 , 2 0 0 9‘ ‘ (f) ( 1 ) Notwi t hs t and in g s ec tion 4 1 2, and effecti v e b eginning 1 80 da y s afte r the date of enact m ent of the S erve A merica Act, each grant or contract u nder this section that e xp ires in fisca l year 2011, 2012, or 201 3 shall be sub j ect to an evaluation process con - ducted by a review team described in paragraph (4) .T he evaluation process shall be carried out, to the maximum extent practicable, in fiscal year 2010, 2011, and 2012, respectively. ‘‘(2) The C orporation shall promulgate regulations establishing the evaluation process re q uired under paragraph (1), and ma k e such regulations available to the public, not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of the Serve America Act. The Corpora- tion shall consult with the directors of programs receiving grants under this section during the development and implementation of the evaluation process. ‘‘(3) The evaluation process required under paragraph (1) shall — ‘‘(A) include performance measures, outcomes, and other criteria established under subsection (g)

and ‘‘( B ) evaluate the extent to which the recipient of the grant or contract meets or exceeds such performance measures, out- comes, and other criteria through a review of the recipient. ‘‘(4) To the maximum extent practicable, the Corporation shall provide that each evaluation required by this subsection is con- ducted by a review team that— ‘‘(A) includes individuals who are knowledgeable about pro- grams assisted under this section; ‘‘(B) includes current or former employees of the Corpora- tion who are knowledgeable about programs assisted under this section; ‘‘(C) includes representatives of communities served by vol- unteers of programs assisted under this section; and ‘‘( D ) shall receive periodic training to ensure quality and consistency across evaluations. ‘‘( 5 ) The findings of an evaluation described in this subsection of a program described in paragraph (1) shall— ‘‘(A) be presented to the recipient of the grant or contract for such program in a timely, transparent, and uniform manner that conveys information of program strengths and weaknesses and assists with program improvement; and ‘‘(B) be used as the basis for program improvement, and for the provision of training and technical assistance. ‘‘(g)(1) The Corporation shall, with particular attention to the different needs of rural and urban programs assisted under this section, develop performance measures, outcomes, and other criteria for programs assisted under this section that— ‘‘(A) include an assessment of the strengths and areas in need of improvement of a program assisted under this sec- tion; ‘‘(B) include an assessment of whether such program has adequately addressed population and community-wide needs; ‘‘(C) include an assessment of the efforts of such program to collaborate with other community-based organi z ations, units of government, and entities providing services to seniors, taking into account barriers to such collaboration that such program may encounter; Perfo r manc e mea su res .C r it eria. R e g u l ations. Pu b lic information. D ea d line. Consultation. E ffecti v e date. G rants. Contracts. Evaluation.