Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1671

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123STA T . 1 65 1 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 22 —M A Y 2 0, 200 9inst it u ti o n h o ld in gc o mpa ni e sasi f the yw e r e insured depository institutions .‘ ‘ (I II )REGULATIONS . —T he C orporation shall prescri b e such regulations as it deems necessary to implement this clause. In prescribing such regu - lations , defining terms, and setting the appropriate assessment rate or rates, the Corporation shall establish rates sufficient to co v er the losses incurred as a result of the actions of the Corpora- tion under clause (i) and shall consider

the types of entities that benefit from any action ta k en or assistance provided under this subparagraph

eco- nomic conditions, the effects on the industry, and such other factors as the Corporation deems appro- priate and relevant to the action taken or the assistance provided. A ny funds so collected that e x ceed actual losses shall be placed in the D eposit Insurance F und. ’ ’. (e) E STA B LIS HM ENT O F A N ATIONAL C R E D IT U NION S HARE INSUR- AN C E FUND RESTORATION P LAN PERIOD.—Section 20 2(c)(2) of the Federal Credit Union Act ( 1 2 U.S.C. 1 78 2(c)(2)) is amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ‘‘(D) FUND RESTORATION P LANS.— ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.— W henever— ‘‘(I) the B oard pro j ects that the e q uity ratio of the Fund will, within 6 months of such deter- mination, fall below the minimum amount speci- fied in subparagraph (C); or ‘‘(II) the equity ratio of the Fund actually falls below the minimum amount specified in subpara- graph (C) without any determination under sub- clause (I) having been made, the Board shall establish and implement a restoration plan within 9 0 days that meets the requirements of clause (ii) and such other conditions as the Board determines to be appropriate. ‘‘(ii) RE Q UIREMENTS OF RESTORATION PLAN.—A res- toration plan meets the requirements of this clause if the plan provides that the equity ratio of the Fund will meet or exceed the minimum amount specified in subparagraph (C) before the end of the 8-year period beginning upon the implementation of the plan (or such longer period as the Board may determine to be necessary due to extraordinary circumstances). ‘‘(iii) TRANSPARENC Y .—Not more than 3 0 days after the Board establishes and implements a restoration plan under clause (i), the Board shall publish in the Federal Register a detailed analysis of the factors considered and the basis for the actions taken with regard to the plan.’’. (f) TEMPORARY CORPORATE CREDIT UNION STABILI Z ATION FUND.— (1) ESTABLISHMENT OF STABILIZATION FUND.—Title II of the Federal Credit Union Act (12 U.S.C. 1781 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following new section: Fed e ralR e gist er ,pub li c ati on.D eadline. Deadline.