Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1675

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123STA T . 1 65 5 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 22 —M A Y 2 0, 200 9(2)providet r a i n in g to F edera l,S tate, and lo c al la w en f orce -m ent and pro s ec u torial agencies wit h respect to mortgage fraud, including related Federal and State laws

( 3 ) collect and disseminate data with respect to mortgage fraud, including Federal, State, and local data relating to mort- gage fraud investigations and prosecutions; and ( 4 ) perform other functions determined by the A ttorney G eneral to enhance the detection of, prevention of, and response to mortgage fraud in the U nited States . (d) OPTIONAL F U N C TION S . —I f the D epartment of J ustice estab- lishes the T as k Force referred to in subsection (a), it is the sense of the C ongress that the Task Force should— ( 1 ) initiate and coordinate Federal mortgage fraud inves- tigations and, through the coordinating entities described under subsection (c), State and local mortgage fraud investigations; (2) establish a toll-free hotline for— (A) reporting mortgage fraud; ( B ) providing the public with access to information and resources with respect to mortgage fraud; and (C) directing reports of mortgage fraud to the appro- priate Federal, State, and local law enforcement and pros- ecutorial agency, including to the appropriate branch of the Task Force established under subsection (d); (3) create a database with respect to suspensions and rev- ocations of mortgage industry licenses and certifications to facilitate the sharing of such information by States; (4) make recommendations with respect to the need for and resources available to provide the e q uipment and training necessary for the Task Force to combat mortgage fraud; and ( 5 ) propose legislation to Federal, State, and local legisla- tive bodies with respect to the elimination and prevention of mortgage fraud, including measures to address mortgage loan procedures and property appraiser practices that provide opportunities for mortgage fraud. TI T LE I V—FOR E C LO SU RE M OR A TORIUM P ROVISIO N S SEC.401 .SE N SE OFTH E CON GR ESS ON FOREC L OS U RES. (a)ING E NE R AL.—It is the sense of the Congress that mortgage holders, institutions, and mortgage servicers should not initiate a foreclosure proceeding or a foreclosure sale on any homeowner until the foreclosure mitigation provisions, like the H ope for Home- owners program, as required under title II, and the P resident ’ s ‘ ‘Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan’’ have been imple- mented and determined to be operational by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and the Secretary of the Treasury. (b) SCOPE O FM ORATORIU M .—The foreclosure moratorium referred to in subsection (a) should apply only for first mortgages secured by the owner’s principal dwelling. (c) FHA- R E G ULATE DL OAN MODIFICATION AGREEMENTS.—If a mortgage holder, institution, or mortgage servicer to which sub- section (a) applies reaches a loan modification agreement with a homeowner under the auspices of the Federal Housing Adminis- tration before any plan referred to in such subsection takes effect,