Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1712

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123STA T . 1 69 2 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 22 —M A Y 2 0, 2009 thes e v e ri t yofba rriers fa c e d by the p eop l e the pro j ect serves

‘ ( ii ) co n siders the f u ll ran g e of opinions fro m individuals or entities w ith k nowledge of homelessness in the geographic area or an interest in preventing or ending homelessness in the geographic area; ‘‘(iii) is based on objective criteria that have been publicly announced by the recipient; and ‘‘(iv) is open to proposals from entities that have not previously received funds under this subtitle; ‘‘( D )thee x tent to which the amount of assistance to be provided under this subtitle to the recipient will be supplemented with resources from other public and private sources , including mainstream programs identified by the G overnment A ccountability O ffice in the two reports described in section 203 (a)( 7 ); ‘‘( E ) demonstrated coordination by the recipient with the other F ederal, S tate, local, private, and other entities serving individuals and families experiencing homelessness and at risk of homelessness in the planning and operation of projects; ‘‘(F) for collaborative applicants exercising the authority under section 4 22(j) to serve homeless families with children and youth defined as homeless under other Federal statutes, program goals and outcomes, which shall include — ‘‘(i) preventing homelessness among the subset of such families with children and youth who are at highest risk of becoming homeless, as such term is defined for purposes of this title; or ‘‘(ii) achieving independent living in permanent housing among such families with children and youth, especially those who have a history of doubled - up and other temporary housing situations or are living in a temporary housing situation due to lack of available and appropriate emergency shelter, through the provi- sion of eligible assistance that directly contributes to achieving such results including assistance to address chronic disabilities, chronic physical health or mental health conditions, substance addiction, histories of domestic violence or childhood abuse, or multiple bar- riers to employment; and ‘‘(G) such other factors as the Secretary determines to be appropriate to carry out this subtitle in an effective and efficient manner . ‘‘(2) A D D IT I ONALCR IT E RIA.— I n addition to the criteria re q uired under paragraph ( 1 ), the criteria established under paragraph (1) shall also include the need within the geographic area for homeless services, determined as follows and under the following conditions

‘‘(A) N OTICE.— T he Secretary shall inform each collabo- rative applicant, at a time concurrent with the release of the notice of funding availability for the grants, of the pro rata estimated grant amount under this subtitle for the geographic area represented by the collaborative applicant. ‘‘( B )A M O U NT.—