Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1893

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123STA T . 1 87 3 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 32 —J U NE 2 4, 2 0 0 9(c)SUBMIS SI ON.— ( 1 ) Notla t er t h a n90d a ys a f ter the date of enact m ent of th i s A ct , and e v ery 90 days thereafter thro ug hSe p tem b er 3 0, 2 010, the Secretary of D efense shall submit the report re q uired by subsection (a) and a classified anne x to the report, as necessary. (2) T he Secretary may submit the report required by sub - section (a) separately as provided in paragraph (1) or include the information required by this report w hen submitting reports required of the Secretary under section 920 4 of the Supple- mental Appropriations Act, 200 8 ( P ublic L aw 110 – 2 5 2

122 Stat. 2410). (d) EXTE NSION O FR E LA TE D RE P O R TIN G RE Q UIREMENT.—Section 9204(a) of the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2008 is amended by stri k ing ‘ ‘fiscal year 2009 ’ ’ and inserting ‘‘fiscal year 2010’’. SE C . 31 7 . (a) REPEAL OF SECRETAR Y OF DEFENSE REPORTS ON TRANSITION READINESS OF I RAQ AND AFG H AN SECURITY F ORCES.—Subsection (a) of section 9205 of Public Law 110–252 (122 Stat. 2412) is repealed. (b) M ODIFICATION OF REPORTS ON U SE OF C ERTAIN SECURITY FORCES FUNDS.— (1) PREPARATION IN CONSULTATION W ITH COMMANDER OF CENTCOM.—Subsection (b)(1) of such section is amended by inserting ‘‘the Commander of the United States Central Com- mand;’’ after ‘‘the Secretary of Defense;’’. (2) PERIOD OF REPORTS.—Such subsection is further amended by striking ‘‘not later than 120 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and every 90 days thereafter’’ and inserting ‘‘not later than 45 days after the end of each fiscal year quarter’’. (3) FUNDS CO V ERED BY REPORTS.—Such subsection is fur- ther amended by striking ‘‘and ‘Afghanistan Security Forces Fund’ ’’ and inserting ‘‘, ‘Afghanistan Security Forces Fund’, and ‘Pakistan Counterinsurgency Fund’ ’’. (c) NOTICE NEW PRO J ECTS AND TRANSFERS OF FUNDS.—Sub- section (c) of such section is amended by striking ‘‘the headings’’ and all that follows and inserting ‘‘the headings as follows

‘‘(1) ‘Iraq Security Forces Fund’. ‘‘(2) ‘Afghanistan Security Forces Fund’. ‘‘(3) ‘Pakistan Counterinsurgency Fund’.’’. (d) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made by this section shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act. SEC. 318. (a) Section 1174(h)(1) of title 10, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: ‘‘(1) A member who has received separation pay under this section, or separation pay, severance pay, or read j ustment pay under any other provision of law, based on service in the armed forces, and who later qualifies for retired or retainer pay under this title or title 14 shall have deducted from each payment of such retired or retainer pay an amount, in such schedule of monthly installments as the Secretary of Defense shall specify, taking into account the financial ability of the member to pay and avoiding the imposition of undue financial hardship on the member and member’s dependents, until the total amount deducted is equal to the total amount of separation pay, severance pay, and readjustment pay so paid.’’. 12 2 Sta t . 2 4 1 3 . 122 Stat. 241 0 .