Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1902

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123STA T . 1 8 82 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 32 —J U NE 2 4, 2 0 0 9thecoas t wi set r a d ei n the S tate o fAl a b a m aforthedr y doc k A L A -B A M A (U nited States official n u mber 64150 4 ). S EC . 60 2 . N otwithstandin g sections 55101 , 5510 3 , and 12112 of title 46, United States C ode, the Secretary of the de p artment in which the Coast G uard is operating may issue a certificate of documentation with a coastwise endorsement for the v essel MA RY LAN DI ND EP ENDENCE (official number 6625 7 3). T he coastwise endorsement issued under authority of this section is terminated if — (1) the vessel, or controlling interest in the person that owns the vessel, is conveyed after the date of enactment of this Act

or (2) any repairs or alterations are made to the vessel outside of the United States. (IN C LUD IN GR E S CISSI O NO F FUNDS ) SEC. 603. (a) RESCISSION.— O f amounts previously made avail- able from ‘ ‘ F ederal Emergency Management Agency, Disaster Relief ’ ’ to the State of Mississippi pursuant to section 404 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170c) for H urricane K atrina, an additional $ 100,000,000 are rescinded. (b) A P PROPRI AT ION.—For ‘‘Federal Emergency Management Agency, State and Local Programs’’, there is appropriated an addi- tional $100,000,000, to remain available until e x pended, for a grant to the State of Mississippi for an interoperable communications system re q uired in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. SEC. 604. The Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 200 9 (Public Law 110 – 329) is amended under the heading ‘‘Federal Emergency Management Agency, Management and Administration’’ after ‘‘the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.),’’ by adding ‘‘Cerro Grande Fire Assistance Act of 2000 (division C, title I, 114 Stat. 5 8 3),’’. SEC. 605. Notwithstanding any provision under (a)(1)(A) of 15 U.S.C. 2229a specifying that grants must be used to increase the number of firefighters in fire departments, the Secretary of Homeland Security may, in making grants described under 15 U.S.C. 2229a for fiscal year 2009 or fiscal year 2010, grant waivers from the requirements of subsection (a)(1)(B), subsection (c)(1), sub- section (c)(2), and subsection (c)(4)(A), and may award grants for the hiring, rehiring, or retention of firefighters. SEC. 606. The Administrator of the Federal Emergency Manage- ment Agency shall extend through March 2010 reimbursement of State-run case management programs related to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita for individuals in such programs on April 30, 2009. SEC. 607. Section 552 of division E of the Consolidated Appro- priations Act, 2008 (Public Law 110–161) is amended by striking ‘‘local educational agencies’’ and inserting ‘‘primary or secondary school sites’’ and by inserting ‘‘and section 406(c)(2)’’ after ‘‘section 406(c)(1)’’. SEC. 608. For purposes of qualification for loans made under the Disaster Assistance Direct Loan Program as allowed under Public Law 111–5 relating to disaster declaration FEMA–1791– 12 1 Sta t . 2 08 1. Ex t ensio n d ate. W ai v e r a u t h orit y . G rants. M ississi p pi.