Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/194

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123STA T . 1 74PUBLIC LA W 111 –5—FE B. 17 , 2 0 0 9av a il a b l efor obli g a t io n ont h e d ate of ena c t m ent of thi sA ct


d ,T hat s u ch funds shall remain available to the S tates through Se p tember 30 , 2 0 1 0: Provided fu r th er, That $ 2 5 0,000,000 of such funds shall be used b y States for reemployment services for unemployment insurance claimants ( including the integrated E mployment Service and U nemployment I nsurance information technology re q uired to identify and serve the needs of such claim - ants )

Provided further, That the Secretary of

L abor shall establish planning and reporting procedures necessary to provide oversight of funds used for reemployment services .DEPARTM E N TA LM ANA G EMENT S ALAR I ES AN D E X PENSES ( IN C L U DING TRANS F ER O F FUNDS )F or an additional amount for ‘ ‘Departmental Management ’ ’, $ 8 0,000,000, for the enforcement of w or k er protection laws and regulations, oversight, and coordination activities related to the infrastructure and unemployment insurance investments in this Act: Provided, That the Secretary of Labor may transfer such sums as necessary to ‘‘Employment and Standards Administration’’, ‘‘Employee B enefits Security Administration’’, ‘‘ O ccupational Safety and H ealth Administration’’, and ‘‘Employment and Training Administration —P rogram Administration’’ for enforcement, over- sight, and coordination activities: Provided further , That prior to obligating any funds proposed to be transferred from this account, the Secretary shall provide to the C ommittees on Appropriations of the House of R epresentatives and the Senate an operating plan describing the planned uses of each amount proposed to be trans- ferred. OFFICE OF J O B CORPS For an additional amount for ‘‘Office of J ob Corps’’, $250,000,000, for construction, rehabilitation and acquisition of Job Corps Centers, which shall be available upon the date of enactment of this Act and remain available for obligation through June 30, 2010: Provided, That section 1552(a) of title 31, United States Code shall not apply if funds are used for a multi-year lease agreement that will result in construction activities that can com- mence within 120 days of enactment of this Act: Provided further, That notwithstanding section 332 4 (a) of title 31, United States Code, the funds used for an agreement under the preceding proviso may be used for advance, progress, and other payments: Provided further, That the Secretary of Labor may transfer up to 15 percent of such funds to meet the operational needs of such centers, which may include training for careers in the energy efficiency, renewable energy, and environmental protection industries: Provided further, That the Secretary shall provide to the Committees on Appropria- tions of the House of Representatives and the Senate an operating plan describing the allocation of funds, and a report on the actual obligations, e x penditures, and unobligated balances for each activity funded under this heading not later than September 30, 200 9 and quarterly thereafter as long as funding provided under this heading is available for obligation or expenditure. Operating p l an .R ep o rt s . D ea d lines. Operating plan. P ro c ed u res.