Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2003

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123STA T . 1 98 3 PUBLIC LA W 111 –5 3 — AU G .19 , 2 0 09 County’ ’ ,da t e d M ay 14 , 20 0 9 , and r e l at i n g tot h ee xc hange o fF ederal land and non - Federal land in U intah County, Utah .SEC.3 .E X C HANG E OFL AN D . ( a )INGE NE RAL . — If the S tate offer s to con v ey to the United States title to the non-Federal land, the Secretary shall— (1) acce p t the offer

and (2) on receipt of all right, title, and interest of the State in and to the non-Federal land, convey to the State all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to the Federal land. ( b )C O N DIT ION S .— T he exchange authori z ed under subsection (a) shall be sub j ect to— (1) valid existing rights; (2) except as other w ise provided by this section— ( A ) section 20 6 of the Federal L and P olicy and Manage- m ent Act of 19 7 6(4 3 U.S.C. 1716); and ( B ) any other applicable laws; (3) all costs of land exchanges under this Act, including but not limited to appraisals, surveys, and related costs, shall be paid e q ually by the Secretary and the State; and (4) any additional terms and conditions that the Secretary and the State mutually determine to be appropriate. (c) TITLE A P PRO V AL.—Title to the Federal land and non-Federal land to be exchanged under this section shall be in a format accept- able to the Secretary and the State. (d) APPRAISALS.— (1) IN G ENERAL.—The value of the Federal land and the non-Federal land shall be determined by appraisals conducted by 1 or more independent appraisers selected jointly by the Secretary and the State. (2) APPLI C A B LE LA W .—The appraisals conducted under paragraph (1) shall be conducted in accordance with section 206 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1716). (3) APPROVAL.—The appraisals conducted under paragraph (1) shall be submitted to the Secretary and the State for approval. (4) AD JU ST M ENT.— (A) IN GENERAL.—If value is attributed to any parcel of Federal land because of the presence of minerals subject to leasing under the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 1 8 1 et seq.), the value of the parcel (as otherwise established under this subsection) shall be reduced by the estimated value of the payments that would have been made to the State of Utah from bonuses, rentals, and royalties that the United States would have received if such minerals were leased pursuant to the Mineral Leasing Act (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.). (B) LIMITATION.—An adjustment under subparagraph (A) shall not be considered as a property right of the State. ( 5 ) AVAILABILIT Y O F APPRAISALS.— (A) IN GENERAL.—All final appraisals, appraisal reviews, and determinations of value for land to be exchanged under this section shall be available for public review at the Utah State O ffice of the Bureau of Land Public i nspe c t i o n .