Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2007

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123STA T . 1 987PUBLIC LA W 111 –5 3 — AU G .19 , 2 0 09 (A)INGE NE RAL.—Nothing in thi s A c t prev ents the S ecret a r y or the State f ro m cance l ing or mo d ifying a gra z ing permit , lease, or contract if the land s ubj ect to the permit, lease, or contract is sold, conveyed, transferred, or leased for nongrazing purposes by the Secretary or the State. ( B ) LIM I T ATI O N.— Ex cept to the extent reasonably nec - essary to accommodate surface operations in support of mineral development, the Secretary or the State shall not cancel or modify a grazing permit, lease, or contract because the land subject to the permit, lease, or contract has been leased for mineral development. ( 4 )BA S E P ROPERTIES.—If land conveyed by the State under this Act is used by a grazing permittee or lessee to meet the base property re q uirements for a F ederal grazing permit or lease, the land shall continue to qualify as a base property for the remaining term of the lease or permit and the term of any rene w al or extension of the lease or permit. (c) H A Z AR D O U S M ATERIALS.— ( 1 ) IN GENERAL.— T he Secretary and, as a condition of the exchange, the State shall ma k e available for review and inspection any record relating to hazardous materials on the land to be exchanged under this Act. ( 2 ) C OSTS.—The costs of remedial actions relating to haz- ardous materials on land acquired under this Act shall be paid by those entities responsible for the costs under applicable law. (d) EASEMENT.—The conveyance of Federal land in sec. 3 3, T.4S., R . 24 E., and sec. 4, T. 5 S., R. 24 E., of the Salt Lake Meridian, shall be subject to a 1, 0 00 foot wide scenic easement and a 200 foot wide road right-of-way previously granted to the National P ark Service for the D inosaur National Monument, as described in Land W ithdrawal No. U– 0141143, pursuant to the Act of September 8 ,1 96 0( 7 4 Stat. 857,861). SEC.5 . T E RMINA TI O NO F A U T H ORIT Y . The provisions of this Act shall terminate 5 years after the date of enactment. Public i nspe c t i o n .R eco rd s.