Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2087

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123STA T . 2 067PUBLIC LA W 111 – 73 —O CT. 1 5, 200 9andexp and si s t e r instit u ti o n pro g ra m s b et w een U nited S tates and P a k istani s ch oo l s and uni v ersities .( c )AD D IT I ONAL AND RE LATED A C TI V ITIE S . — ( 1 ) AVAILA B ILIT Y O F A M O U NTS FO RP A K ISTANI POLICE PROFESSIONALI Z ATION , E Q UIPPIN G , AND TRAINING.— N ot less than $ 1 50 ,000,000 o f the amounts appropriated for fiscal y ear 2 010 pursuant to the authori z ation of appropriations under section 102 should be made available for assistance to Pakistan under this section for police professionalization, e q uipping, and training. (2) AVAILABILITY OF AMOUNTS FOR ADMINISTRATIVE E X PENSES.—Up to $10,000,000 of the amounts appropriated for each fiscal year pursuant to the authorization of appropria - tions under section 102 may be made available for administra- tive expenses of civilian departments and agencies of the United States G overnment in connection with the provision of assist- ance under this section. Such amounts shall be in addition to amounts otherwise available for such purposes. ( 3 ) UTILIZING PAKISTANI ORGANIZATIONS.— T he President is encouraged, as appropriate, to utilize Pakistani firms and community and local nongovernmental organizations in Paki- stan, including through host country contracts, and to work with local leaders to provide assistance under this section. ( 4 ) USE OF DIRECT EXPENDITURES.—Amounts appropriated for each fiscal year pursuant to the authorization of appropria- tions under section 102 or otherwise made available to carry out this section shall be utilized to the maximum extent possible as direct expenditures for pro j ects and programs, subject to existing reporting and notification requirements. (5) CH IEF OF MISSION FUND.— O f the amounts appropriated for each fiscal year pursuant to the authorization of appropria- tions under section 102, up to $5,000,000 may be used by the Secretary of State to establish a fund for use by the Chief of M ission in Pakistan to provide assistance to Pakistan under this title or the F oreign Assistance Act of 1 96 1 (22 U.S.C. 2151 et seq.) to address urgent needs or opportunities, con- sistent with the purposes of this section, or for purposes of humanitarian relief. The fund established pursuant to this paragraph may be referred to as the ‘ ‘Chief of Mission Fund ’ ’. (6) SENSE OF CONGRESS.— I t is the sense of Congress that— (A) the United States should provide robust assistance to the people of Pakistan who have been displaced as a result of ongoing conflict and violence in Pakistan and support international efforts to coordinate assistance to refugees and internally displaced persons in Pakistan, including by providing support to international and non- governmental organizations for this purpose

( B ) the Administrator of the United States Agency for International D evelopment should support the develop- ment objectives of the Refugee Affected and H ost Areas (RAHA) Initiative in Pakistan to address livelihoods, health, education, infrastructure development, and environ- mental restoration in identified parts of the country where Afghan refugees have lived; and