Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2196

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123STA T . 21 76PUBLIC LA W 111 –8 3 —O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9thecompl et i o n o f con s t ru ction a n d en v ironmental remediation , the une x pended b alances of funds appropriated for costs in the pre - cedin g proviso shall be available for transfer to the appropriate account for design and construction of a consolidated D epartment of H omeland S ecurit y Head q uarters pro j ect, excluding daily oper- ations and maintenance costs, not w ithstanding section 503 of this A ct, and the C ommittees on Appropriations of the Senate and the House of R epresentatives shall be notified 1 5 days prior to such transfer . S EC . 5 4 1. T he explanatory statement referenced in section 4 of P ublic L aw 110 – 1 6 1 for ‘ ‘ N ational Predisaster M itigation F und ’ ’ under Federal E mergency Management Agency is deemed to be amended —( 1 ) by stri k ing ‘‘Dalton Fire District’’ and all that follows through ‘‘ 7 50,000’’ and inserting the following

‘‘Franklin Regional Council of G overnments, MA ....... 2 50,000 Town of Lanesborough, MA .......................................... 175,000 U niversity of Massachusetts, MA ................................. 175,000’’

(2) by striking ‘‘Santee and’’; (3) by striking ‘‘3,000,000’’ and inserting ‘‘1,500,000’’; (4) by inserting after the item relating to Adjutant Gen- eral’s O ffice of Emergency Preparedness the following: ‘‘Town of B ranchville, SC .............................................. 1,500,000’’; and (5) by striking ‘‘Public W orks Department of the City of Santa Cru z , CA’’ and inserting ‘‘Monterey County Water Resources Agency, CA’’. SEC. 542. Any official that is required by this Act to report or certify to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives may not delegate such authority to perform that act unless specifically authorized herein. SEC. 543. Section 203(m) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5133(m)) is amended by striking ‘‘September 30, 200 9 ’’ and inserting ‘‘Sep- tember 30, 2010’’. SEC. 544. (a) Not later than 3 months after the date of enact- ment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall consult with the Secretaries of Defense and Transportation and develop a concept of operations for unmanned aircraft systems in the United States national airspace system for the purposes of border and maritime security operations. (b) The Secretary of Homeland Security shall report to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives not later than 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act on any foreseeable challenges to complying with sub- section (a). SEC. 545. From unobligated amounts that are available to the Coast Guard for fiscal year 200 8 or 2009 for ‘‘Acquisition, Construction, and I mprovements’’ for shoreside facilities and aids to navigation at Coast Guard Sector Buffalo, the Secretary of Home- land Security shall use such sums as may be necessary to make improvements to the land along the northern portion of Sector Deadlin e s.Co ns u l t ation.