Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2224

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123STA T . 22 04PUBLIC LA W 111 –8 4 —O CT. 28 , 200 9Sec.19 1 2 . Ext e nsio no fl oc a lit yp ay. Sec. 191 3 . Adju st m ent of special r ates. Sec. 191 4 . T ransition sc h edule for locality -b ased comparability payments. Sec. 191 5 . Sa v in g s provision. Sec. 191 6 . Application to other eligible employees. Sec. 191 7 . Election of additional basic pay for annuity computation by employees. Sec. 191 8 . R egulations. Sec. 1919. Effective dates. DIV ISI ONB—M I L ITAR YC ONSTR U CTION AUT H ORI Z ATIONS Sec. 2 0 01. Short title. Sec. 2002. Expiration of authori z ations and amounts re q uired to be specified by la w . Sec. 2003. Relation to funding tables. Sec. 2004. G eneral reduction across division. TITLE X XI—ARMY Sec. 2101. Authorized Army construction and land acquisition projects. Sec. 2102. F amily housing. Sec. 2103. Improvements to military family housing units. Sec. 2104. Authorization of appropriations , Army. Sec. 2105. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2009 project. Sec. 2106. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2006 projects. TITLE XXII—NAVY Sec. 2201. Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition projects. Sec. 2202. Family housing. Sec. 2203. Improvements to military family housing units. Sec. 2204. Authorization of appropriations, Navy. Sec. 2205. Modification and extension of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2006 project. TITLE XXIII—AIR FORCE Sec. 2301. Authorized Air Force construction and land acquisition projects. Sec. 2302. Family housing. Sec. 2303. Improvements to military family housing units. Sec. 2304. Authorization of appropriations, Air Force. Sec. 2305. Termination of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2009 Air Force project. Sec. 2306. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2007 projects. Sec. 2307. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2006 projects. Sec. 2308. Conveyance to Indian tribes of certain housing units. TITLE XXIV—DEFENSE AGENCIES Subtitle A—Defense Agency Authorizations Sec. 2401. Authorized Defense Agencies construction and land acquisition projects. Sec. 2402. Family Housing. Sec. 2403. Energy conservation projects. Sec. 2404. Authorization of appropriations, Defense Agencies. Sec. 2405. Termination or modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2009 projects. Sec. 2406. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2008 project. Sec. 2407. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2007 project. Subtitle B—Chemical Demilitarization Authorizations Sec. 2411. Authorization of appropriations, chemical demilitarization construction, defense-wide. TITLE XXV—NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION SECURITY INVESTMENT P ROGRAM Sec. 2501. Authorized NATO construction and land acquisition projects. Sec. 2502. Authorization of appropriations, NATO. TITLE XXVI—GUARD AND RESERVE FORCES FACILITIES Sec. 2601. Authorized Army National Guard construction and land acquisition projects. Sec. 2602. Authorized Army Reserve construction and land acquisition projects. Sec. 2603. Authorized Navy Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve construction and land acquisition projects.